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  1. Chao TI, Tai WT, Hung MH, Tsai MH, Chen MH, Chang MJ, Shiau CW, Chen KF. A Combination Of Sorafenib And SC-43 Is A Synergistic SHP-1 Agonist Duo To Advance Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy. Cancer Lett 2016 Feb; 371(2): 205-13.

  2. Chen MH, Lin J, Hsiao CF, Shan YS, Chen YC, Chen LT, Liu TW, Li CP, Chao Y. A Phase II Study Of Sequential Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin Followed By Docetaxel Plus Capecitabine In Patients With Unresectable Gastric Adenocarcinoma: The TCOG 3211 Clinical Trial. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Jan; 95(3): e2565.

  3. Yang HC, Mu PF, Sheng CC, Chen YW, Hung GY. A Systematic Review Of The Experiences Of Siblings Of Children With Cancer. Cancer Nurs 2016 May-Jun; 39(3): E12-21.

  4. Tseng YH, Lin YH, Tseng YC, Lee YC, Wu YC, Hsu WH, Yen SH, Whang-Peng J, Chen YM. Adjuvant Therapy For Thymic Carcinoma--A Decade Of Experience In A Taiwan National Teaching Hospital. PLoS One 2016 Jan; 11(1): e0146609.

  5. Lee WP, Lan KH, Li CP, Chao Y, Lin HC, Lee SD. Akt Phosphorylates Myc-Associated Zinc Finger Protein (MAZ), Releases P-MAZ From The P53 Promoter, And Activates P53 Transcription. Cancer Lett 2016 May; 375(1): 9-19.

  6. Chen MH, Weng JJ, Cheng CT, Wu RC, Huang SC, Wu CE, Chung YH, Liu CY, Chang MH, Chen MH, Chiang KC, Yeh TS, Su Y, Yeh CN. ALDH1A3, The Major Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Isoform In Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cells, Affects Prognosis And Gemcitabine Resistance In Cholangiocarcinoma Patients. Clin Cancer Res 2016 Apr; : .

  7. Teng CJ, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Chen TJ, Liu CJ. Cancer Risk In Patients With Empyema: A Nation-Wide Population-Based Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Mar; 95(9): e2934.

  8. Su VY, Chang YS, Hu YW, Hung MH, Ou SM, Lee FY, Chou KT, Yang KY, Perng DW, Chen TJ, Liu CJ. Carvedilol, Bisoprolol, And Metoprolol Use In Patients With Coexistent Heart Failure And Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Feb; 95(5): e2427.

  9. Hsu CH, Tseng CH, Chiang CJ, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Chen KC, Wang CL, Chen CY, Yen SH, Chiu CH, Huang MS, Yu CJ, Tsai YH, Chen JS, Tsai CM, Chou TY, Lin KC, Tsai MH, Lee WC, Ku HY, Liu TW, Yang TY, Chang GC. Characteristics Of Young Lung Cancer: Analysis Of Taiwan's Nationwide Lung Cancer Registry Focusing On Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation And Smoking Status. Oncotarget 2016 May; : .

  10. Hu YW. Chinese Herbal Medicine Use And Risk Of End-Stage Renal Disease In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Is There An Immortal Time Bias? Kidney Int 2016 Jul; 90(1): 227-8.

  11. Chen SC, Chang PM, Yang MH. Cisplatin/Tegafur/Uracil/Irinotecan Triple Combination Therapy For Recurrent/Metastatic Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Phase I/II Clinical Study. Oncologist 2016 May; 21(5): 537-8.

  12. Fang WL, Lan YT, Huang KH, Liu CA, Hung YP, Lin CH, Jhang FY, Chang SC, Chen MH, Chao Y, Lin WC, Lo SS, Fen-Yau Li A, Wu CW, Chiou SH, Shyr YM. Clinical Significance Of Circulating Plasma DNA In Gastric Cancer. Int J Cancer 2016 Jun; 138(12): 2974-83.

  13. Chen YC, Fang WL, Wang RF, Liu CA, Yang MH, Lo SS, Wu CW, Li AF, Shyr YM, Huang KH. Clinicopathological Variation Of Lauren Classification In Gastric Cancer. Pathol Oncol Res 2016 Jan; 22(1): 197-202.

  14. Chou YS, Yen CC, Chen WM, Lin YC, Wen YS, Ke WT, Wang JY, Liu CY, Yang MH, Chen TH, Liu CL. Cytotoxic Mechanism Of PLK1 Inhibitor GSK461364 Against Osteosarcoma: Mitotic Arrest, Apoptosis, Cellular Senescence, And Synergistic Effect With Paclitaxel. Int J Oncol 2016 Mar; 48(3): 1187-94.

  15. Wu CY, Chiou TJ, Liu CY, Lin FC, Lin JS, Hung MH, Hsiao LT, Yen CC, Gau JP, Yen HJ, Hung GY, Hsu HC, Tzeng CH, Liu JH, Yu YB. Decision-Tree Algorithm For Optimized Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell-Based Predictions In Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization. Transfusion 2016 May; : .

  16. Su JC, Mar AC, Wu SH, Tai WT, Chu PY, Wu CY, Tseng LM, Lee TC, Chen KF, Liu CY, Chiu HC, Shiau CW. Disrupting VEGF-A Paracrine And Autocrine Loops By Targeting SHP-1 Suppresses Triple Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis. Sci Rep 2016 Jul; 6: 28888.

  17. Huang CY, Tai WT, Wu SY, Shih CT, Chen MH, Tsai MH, Kuo CW, Shiau CW, Hung MH, Chen KF. Dovitinib Acts As A Novel Radiosensitizer In Hepatocellular Carcinoma By Targeting SHP-1/STAT3 Signaling. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016 Jun; 95(2): 761-71.

  18. Liang ML, Hsieh TH, Ng KH, Tsai YN, Tsai CF, Chao ME, Liu DJ, Chu SS, Chen W, Liu YR, Liu RS, Lin SC, Ho DM, Wong TT, Yang MH, Wang HW. Downregulation Of miR-137 And miR-6500-3p Promotes Cell Proliferation In Pediatric High-Grade Gliomas. Oncotarget 2016 Feb; 7(15): 19723-37.

  19. Huang CH, Chang PM, Hsu CW, Huang CY, Ng KL. Drug Repositioning For Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer By Using Machine Learning Algorithms And Topological Graph Theory. BMC Bioinformatics 2016 Jan; 17(Suppl 1): 2.

  20. Chiang NJ, Hsu C, Chen JS, Tsou HH, Shen YY, Chao Y, Chen MH, Yeh TS, Shan YS, Huang SF, Chen LT. Expression Levels Of ROS1/ALK/c-MET And Therapeutic Efficacy Of Cetuximab Plus Chemotherapy In Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer. Sci Rep 2016 May; 6: 25369.

  21. Wang LW, Chen YW, Ho CY, Hsueh Liu YW, Chou FI, Liu YH, Liu HM, Peir JJ, Jiang SH, Chang CW, Liu CS, Lin KH, Wang SJ, Chu PY, Lo WL, Kao SY, Yen SH. Fractionated Boron Neutron Capture Therapy In Locally Recurrent Head And Neck Cancer: A Prospective Phase I/II Trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016 May; 95(1): 396-403.

  22. Wang WH, Lee CC, Yang HC, Liu KD, Wu HM, Shiau CY, Guo WY, Pan DH, Chung WY, Chen MT. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery For Atypical And Anaplastic Meningiomas. World Neurosurg 2016 Mar; 87(): 557-64.

  23. Wang JP, Wu CY, Hwang IH, Kao CH, Hung YP, Hwang SJ, Li CP. How Different Is The Care Of Terminal Pancreatic Cancer Patients In Inpatient Palliative Care Units And Acute Hospital Wards? A Nation-Wide Population-Based Study. BMC Palliat Care 2016 Jan; 15(1): 1.

  24. Hsiao LT, Wang HY, Yang CF, Chiou TJ, Gau JP, Yu YB, Liu HL, Chang WC, Chen PM, Tzeng CH, Chan YJ, Yang MH, Liu JH, Huang YH. Human Cytokine Genetic Variants Associated With HBsAg Reverse Seroconversion In Rituximab-Treated Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Mar; 95(11): e3064.

  25. Hung GY, Yen HJ, Yen CC, Wu PK, Chen CF, Chen PC, Wu HT, Chiou HJ, Chen WM. Improvement In High-Grade Osteosarcoma Survival: Results From 202 Patients Treated At A Single Institution In Taiwan. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Apr; 95(15): e3420.

  26. Wu YH, Chang FC, Liang ML, Chen HH, Wong TT, Yen SH, Chen YW*. Incidence And Long-Term Outcome Of Postradiotherapy Moyamoya Syndrome In Pediatric Patients With Primary Brain Tumors: A Single Institute Experience In Taiwan. Cancer Med 2016 Jun; : .

  27. Fan WC, Ou SM, Feng JY, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Su VY, Hu LY, Chien SH, Su WJ, Chen TJ, Liu CJ. Increased Risk Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2016 Feb; 20(2): 265-70.

  28. Shen YA, Lan KL, Chang CH, Lin LT, He CL, Chen PH, Lee TW, Lee YJ, Chuang CM. Intraperitoneal 188Re-Liposome Delivery Switches Ovarian Cancer Metabolism From Glycolysis To Oxidative Phosphorylation And Effectively Controls Ovarian Tumour Growth In Mice. Radiother Oncol 2016 May; 119(2): 282-90.

  29. Liu CY, Hu MH, Hsu CJ, Huang CT, Wang DS, Tsai WC, Chen YT, Lee CH, Chu PY, Hsu CC, Chen MH, Shiau CW, Tseng LM, Chen KF. Lapatinib Inhibits CIP2A/PP2A/p-Akt Signaling And Induces Apoptosis In Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Oncotarget 2016 Feb; 7(8): 9135-49.

  30. Liao TT, Hsu WH, Ho CH, Hwang WL, Lan HY, Lo T, Chang CC, Tai SK, Yang MH. Let-7 Modulates Chromatin Configuration And Target Gene Repression Through Regulation Of The ARID3B Complex. Cell Rep 2016 Jan; 14(3): 520-33.

  31. Chen KT, Hu YW. Letter: Risk Of Breast Cancer In Patients With Thyroid Cancer Receiving I-131 Treatment: Is There An Immortal Time Bias? J Nucl Med 2016 May; : .

  32. Chiang KC, Sun CC, Chen MH, Huang CY, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Juang HH, Takano M, Kittaka A, Chen TC, Yeh CN, Pang JH. MART-10, The New Brand Of 1α,25(OH)2D3 Analog, Is A Potent Anti-Angiogenic Agent In Vivo And In Vitro. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2016 Jan; 155(Pt A): 26-34.

  33. Yang YH, Chiu CC, Teng HW, Chu CP, Chang CJ, Chiu WC, Chen CH, Lu ML, Liu SI, Huang SY, Liu HC, Sun IW. Methionine Synthase 2756AA Polymorphism Is Associated With The Risk Of Cognitive Impairment In Patients With Late-Life Depression. Asia Pac Psychiatry 2016 Apr; : .

  34. Lin PH, Kuo WH, Huang AC, Lu YS, Lin CH, Kuo SH, Wang MY, Liu CY, Cheng FT, Yeh MH, Li HY, Yang YH, Hsu YH, Fan SC, Li LY, Yu SL, Chang KJ, Chen PL, Ni YH, Huang CS. Multiple Gene Sequencing For Risk Assessment In Patients With Early-Onset Or Familial Breast Cancer. Oncotarget 2016 Feb; 7(7): 8310-20.

  35. Chen HY, Lin LT, Wang ML, Lee SH, Tsai ML, Tsai CC, Liu WH, Chen TC, Yang YP, Lee YY, Chang YL, Huang PI, Chen YW, Lo WL, Chiou SH, Chen MT. Musashi-1 Regulates AKT-Derived IL-6 Autocrinal/Paracrinal Malignancy And Chemoresistance In Glioblastoma. Oncotarget 2016 Jun; : .

  36. Fang WL, Huang KH, Lan YT, Lin CH, Chang SC, Chen MH, Chao Y, Lin WC, Lo SS, Li AF, Wu CW, Chiou SH, Shyr YM. Mutations In PI3K/AKT Pathway Genes And Amplifications Of PIK3CA Are Associated With Patterns Of Recurrence In Gastric Cancers. Oncotarget 2016 Feb; 7(5): 6201-20.

  37. Lee WP, Lan KH, Li CP, Chao Y, Lin HC, Lee SD. Oncogenic Circuit Constituted By Ser31-HBx And Akt Increases Risks Of Chronic Hepatitis And Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biochim Biophys Acta 2016 Apr; 1862(4): 837-49.

  38. Lee CY, Yen CC, Yen HJ, Shiau CY, Chao TC, Wu PK, Chen CF, Chen PC, Wu HT, Chiou HJ, Chen CC, Hung GY, Chen WM. Outcomes Of 50 Patients With Ewing Sarcoma Family Of Tumors Treated At A Single Institution In Taiwan. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 May; 95(22): e3830.

  39. Lu HJ, Lin JK, Chen WS, Jiang JK, Yang SH, Lan YT, Lin CC, Chang SC, Teng HW. Primary Tumor Location Is An Important Predictive Factor For Wild-Type KRAS Metastatic Colon Cancer Treated With Cetuximab As Front-Line Bio-Therapy. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2016 Mar; : .

  40. Chou YS, Liu CY, Chang YH, King KL, Chen PC, Pan CC, Shen SH, Liu YM, Lin AT, Chen KK, Shyr YM, Lee RC, Chao TC, Yang MH, Chan CH, You JY, Yen CC. Prognostic Factors Of Primary Resected Retroperitoneal Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Analysis From A Single Asian Tertiary Center And External Validation Of Gronchi's Nomogram. J Surg Oncol 2016 Mar; 113(4): 355-60.

  41. Tai WT, Chen YL, Chu PY, Chen LJ, Hung MH, Shiau CW, Huang JW, Tsai MH, Chen KF. Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Dephosphorylates PITX1 And Regulates p120RasGAP In Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology 2016 May; 63(5): 1528-43.

  42. Chiang CL, Chen YW, Wu MH, Huang HC, Tsai CM, Chiu CH. Radiation Recall Pneumonitis Induced By Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor In Patients With Advanced Nonsmall-Cell Lung Cancer. J Chin Med Assoc 2016 May; 79(5): 248-55.

  43. Wu YH, Lin SS, Chen HH, Chang FC, Liang ML, Wong TT, Yen SH, Chen YW*. Radiotherapy-Related Intracranial Aneurysm: Case Presentation Of A 17-Year Male And A Meta-Analysis Based On Individual Patient Data. Childs Nerv Syst 2016 Jun; : .

  44. Cheng AL, Thongprasert S, Lim HY, Sukeepaisarnjaroen W, Yang TS, Wu CC, Chao Y, Chan SL, Kudo M, Ikeda M, Kang YK, Pan H, Numata K, Han G, Balsara B, Zhang Y, Rodriguez AM, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Poon RT. Randomized, Open-Label Phase 2 Study Comparing Frontline Dovitinib VS Sorafenib In Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology 2016 Apr; : .

  45. Hu YW. Re: William C. Jackson, Matthew J. Schipper, Skyler B. Johnson, et al. Duration Of Androgen Deprivation Therapy Influences Outcomes For Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy Following Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2016; 69: 50-7. Eur Urol 2016 May; : .

  46. Hung MH, Liu CJ, Teng CJ, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Chen SC, Chien SH, Hung YP, Shen CC, Chen TJ, Tzeng CH, Liu CY. Risk Of Second Non-Breast Primary Cancer In Male And Female Breast Cancer Patients: A Population-Based Cohort Study. PLoS One 2016 Feb; 11(2): e0148597.

  47. Chen SC, Liu CJ, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Hu LY, Wang YP, Hung YP, Tzeng CH, Chiou TJ, Chen TJ, Teng CJ. Second Primary Malignancy Risk Among Patients With Gastric Cancer: A Nation-Wide Population-Based Study In Taiwan. Gastric Cancer 2016 Apr; 19(2): 490-7.

  48. Teng CJ, Huon LK, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Chien SH, Chen SC, Liu CJ. Secondary Solid Organ Neoplasm In Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Nation-Wide Population-Based Study In Taiwan. PLoS One 2016 Apr; 11(4): e0152909.

  49. Chen MH, Kan HT, Liu CY, Yu WK, Lee SS, Wang JH, Hsieh SL. Serum Decoy Receptor 3 Is A Biomarker For Disease Severity In Nonatopic Asthma Patients. J Formos Med Assoc 2016 Feb; : .

  50. Hung MH, Wang CY, Chen YL, Chu PY, Hsiao YJ, Tai WT, Chao TT, Yu HC, Shiau CW, Chen KF. SET Antagonist Enhances The Chemosensitivity Of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells By Reactivating Protein Phosphatase 2A. Oncotarget 2016 Jan; 7(1): 638-55.

  51. Tai WT, Hung MH, Chu PY, Chen YL, Chen LJ, Tsai MH, Chen MH, Shiau CW, Boo YP, Chen KF. SH2 Domain-Containing Phosphatase 1 Regulates Pyruvate Kinase M2 In Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Oncotarget 2016 Mar; 7(16): 22193-205.

  52. Chiang CL, Hu YW, Wu CH, Chen YT, Liu CJ, Luo YH, Chen YM, Chen TJ, Su KC, Chou KT. Spectrum Of Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Int J Clin Oncol 2016 May; : .

  53. Hu YW. Statins And The Risk Of Pancreatic Cancer In Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Immortal Time Bias In Survival Analysis? Int J Cancer 2016 Jul; 139(1): 232.

  54. Muro K, Oh SC, Shimada Y, Lee KW, Yen CJ, Chao Y, Cho JY, Cheng R, Carlesi R, Chandrawansa K, Orlando M, Ohtsu A. Subgroup Analysis Of East Asians In RAINBOW: A Phase 3 Trial Of Ramucirumab Plus Paclitaxel For Advanced Gastric Cancer. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016 Mar; 31(3): 581-9.

  55. Liu CC, Lin SP, Hsu HS, Yang SH, Lin CH, Yang MH, Hung MC, Hung SC. Suspension Survival Mediated By PP2A-STAT3-Col XVII Determines Tumour Initiation And Metastasis In Cancer Stem Cells. Nat Commun 2016 Jun; 7: 11798.

  56. Liang SY, Chao TC, Tseng LM, Tsay SL, Lin KC, Tung HH. Symptom-Management Self-Efficacy Mediates The Effects Of Symptom Distress On The Quality Of Life Among Taiwanese Oncology Outpatients With Breast Cancer. Cancer Nurs 2016 Jan-Feb; 39(1): 67-73.

  57. Li JJ, Chang SF, Liau II, Chan PC, Liu RS, Yen SH, Wang HE, Chang CA. Targeted Antitumor Prodrug Therapy Using CNGRC-yCD Fusion Protein In Combination With 5-Fluorocytosine. J Biomed Sci 2016 Jan; 23: 15.

  58. Chang YT, Hu YF, Liao JN, Chern CM, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Wu CH, Sung SH, Wang KL, Lu TM, Chao TF, Lo LW, Hsu LC, Chung CP, Chang PM, Hsu WH, Chiou CW, Chen SA. The Assessment Of Anticoagulant Activity To Predict Bleeding Outcome In Atrial Fibrillation Patients Receiving Dabigatran Etexilate. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2016 Jun; 27(4): 389-95.

  59. Liu CT, Chen MH, Chen JS, Chen LT, Shan YS, Lu CH, Su YL, Ku FC, Chou WC*, Chen YY. The Efficacy And Safety Of Everolimus For The Treatment Of Progressive Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multi-Institution Observational Study In Taiwan. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2016 Jun; : .

  60. Shen CC, Hu LY, Hu YW, Chang WH, Tang PL, Chen PM, Chen TJ, Su TP. The Risk Of Cancer In Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Nation-Wide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016 Mar; 95(9): e2989.

  61. Hung MH, Chen YL, Chu PY, Shih CT, Yu HC, Tai WT, Shiau CW, Chen KF. Upregulation Of The Oncoprotein SET Determines Poor Clinical Outcomes In Hepatocellular Carcinoma And Shows Therapeutic Potential. Oncogene 2016 Feb; : .


