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Specialties of Our Team

Medical Oncology


Medical Oncology Attending Physician Specialty
Title Name Academic Rank Specialty
Chief Muh-Hwa Yang Professor Head and neck cancer, Oral cavity cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer, Hypopharyngeal cancer, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Salivary gland cancer, Thyroid gland cancer, Unknown primary cancer with head and neck region metastasis
Director Ming-Huang Chen Professor Neuroendocrine tumor drug therapy, Gastric cancer drug therapy, Esophageal cancer drug therapy, Biliary tract cancer drug therapy, Colorectal cancer drug therapy, New drug clinical trials for cancer treatment
Director Ta-Chung Chao Assistant Professor Breast cancer, Breast benign disease, Soft tissue sarcoma, Lung cancer, Other cancers
Attending Physician Hao-Wei Teng Professor Colorectal cancer
Attending Physician Peter Mu-Hsin Chang Associate Professor Head and neck cancer drug therapy, NPC drug therapy, Bladder cancer drug therapy, New drug clinical trials for cancer treatment
Attending Physician Yi-Ping Hung Assistant Professor Esophageal cancer, Gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma, Pancreatic cancer, Neuroendocrine tumor
Attending Physician San-Chi Chen Instructor Sarcoma, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver cancer, Urothelial cell carcinoma, Bladder cancer, Anemia, Iron-deficiency anemia, Thrombocytopenia, Myeloproliferative disease
Attending Physician Jiun-I Lai Assistant Professor Breast cancer, Genitourinary cancer (kidney cancer, bladder cancer, urothelial cancer, prostate cancer)
Attending Physician Tien-Hua Chen Instructor Head and neck cancer, melanoma, esophageal cancer, immunotherapy, clinical trials
Attending Physician Nai-Jung Chiang Assistant Professor Medical oncology, gastrointestinal cancer (esophageal, gastric, bile duct and pancreatic cancer) and neuroendocrine cancer diagnosis and treatment, clinical trials design and execution
Attending Physician Chueh-Chuan Yen Professor Diagnosis and therapy for sarcoma, colon cancer, bladder cancer and esophageal cancer 2. Cancer clinical trials 3
Attending Physician Sheng-Yu Chen Professor Head and neck cancers Nasopharyngeal cancer Esophageal cancer Anal cancer Clinical trials New drug development
Attending Physician Chun-Yu Liu Associate Professor Breast malignancy, Hematological and lymphoid malignancies, New drug development
Advisor Yee Chao Professor Gastric cancer, Hepatic cancer, Pancreatic cancer, GI tract tumors, Colorectal cancer, Esophageal cancer


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