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1959 Taipei Veterans General Hospital was founded in 1959, and has a radiation diagnostic section.
1961 The Hospital set up Division of Radiation Oncology, and bought two Co-60 therapy machines, one Cs-137 treatment machine and a shallow X-ray therapy machine.
1962 Establishment of Division of Radiation Oncology under Department of Radiology for cancer patients.
1975 Expands to Department of Cancer Treatment Center
1981 Addition of outpatient chemotherapy
1985 Addition the Division of Chemotherapy, Department of Cancer Treatment Center
1994 Department of Cancer Treatment Center changed name to Department of Cancer Center
2013 Department of Cancer Center changed name to Department of Oncology
Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology
Division of Chemoradiotherapy, Department of Oncology​
2015 Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology
Division of Chemotherapy, Department of Oncology

Professor Chao Yee was promoted to Chief of Oncology Department

2019 Construction of Heavy Ion Therapy Center: started on March 28, and the construction period was only 15 months, till June 30, 2010

Reorganized of Department of Oncology:

 Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology
 Division of Cancer Prevention, Department of Oncology
 Division of Cellular and Immunological therapy, Department of Oncology


Professor Yang Muh-Hwa was promoted to Chief of Oncology Department

Professor Chen Ming-Huang was promoted to Director of Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology

Assistant Professor Ta-Chung Chao was promoted to Director of Division of Cancer Prevention, Department of Oncology



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