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  1. Hu LY, Chen PM, Hu YW, Shen CC, Perng CL, Su TP, Yen SH, Tzeng CH, CHiou TJ, Yeh CM, Chen TJ, wang WS, Liu CJ. The risk of cancer among patients with sleep disturbance: anationwide retrospective study in Taiwan. Ann Epiodemiol 2013 DecC; 23(12):757-761
  2. Shen CC, Hu Yw, Hu Ly, Hung MH, Su TP, Huang MW, Tsai CF, Ou SM, Yen SH, Tzeng CH, Chiou TJ, Chen TJ, Liu CJ. The Risk of Cancer in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Nationwide Populantion-Based Study. Plos One. Article Number: e57399; 2013 Feb 27; 8(2)
  3. Hu LY, Liu CJ, Lu T, Hu TM, Tsai CF, Hu YW, SHen CC, Chang YS, Chen MH, Teng CJ, Chiang HL, Yeh CM, Su VYF, Wang WS, Cheng PM, Chen TJ, Su TP. Delayed Onset Urticaria in Depressive Patients with Bupropion Prescription: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Plos One. Article Number: e80064; 2013 Nov 14;8(11)
  4. Shen CC, Hu YW, Hu LY, Perng CL, Su TP, Teng CJ, Yen SH, Tzeng CH, Chiou TJ, Yeh CM, Chen TJ, Wang WS, Chen PM, Liu CJ. The Risk of Cancer among Taiwanese Female Registered Nurses: A Nationwide Retrospective study. Plos One. Article Number: e68420; 2013 Jul 16; 8(7) 
  5. Hu LY, Shen CC, Hu YW, Chen MH, Tsai CF, Chiang HL, Yen CM, wang WS Chen PM, Hu TM, Chen TJ, Su TP, Liu CJ. Hyperthyroidism and Risk for Bipolar Disorders: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Plos One  Article Number:e73057; 2013 Aug 30 ;8(8)
  6. Yang KL, Yang SH, Liang WY, Kuo YJ, Lin JK, Lin TC, Chen WS, Jiang JK, Wang HS, Chang SC, Chu LS, wang LW. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level, CEA ratio, and treatment outcome of rectal cancer patients receiving pre-operative chemoradiation and surgery. Radiat Oncol 43; 2013 Mar 1; 8
  7. Liu YM, Liu YK, LAN KL, Lee YW, Tsai TH, Chen YJ. Medicinal Fungus Antrodia cinnamomea Inhibits Growth and Cancer Stem Cell Characteristics of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Evid-Based Compl Alt 569737; 2013
  8. Kuo YY, Chu PY, Chang SY, Wang YF, Tsai TL, Yang MH, Wang LW, Tai SK. Treatment selection for tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma. J Chin Med Assoc 2013 Apr ;76(4) :211-217
  9. Liang SY, Yang TF, Chen YW, Liang ML, Chen HH, Chang KP, Shan IK, Chen YS, Wong TT. Neuropsychological functions and quality of life in survived patients with intracranial germ cell tumors after treatment. Neuro-Oncology 2013 Nov ;15(11) :1543-1551
  10. Chu PY, Hu FW, Yu CC, Tsai LL, Yu CH, Wu BC, Chen YW, Huang PI, Lo WL. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition transcription factor ZEB1/ZEB2 co-expression predicts poor prognosis and maintains tumor-initiating properties in head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol 2013 Jan ;49(1) :34-41
  11. Lee TL, Wang LW, Chang PMH, Chu PY. Quality of life for patients with hypopharyngeal cancer after different therapeutic modalities. Head Neck-J Sci Spec 2013 Feb ;35(2) :280-285
  12. Ou SM, Liu CJ, Chang YS, Hu YW, Chao PW, Chen TJ, Tzeng CH, Wang SJ. Tuberculosis in myasthenia gravis. Int J Tuberc Lung D 2013 Jan ;17(1) :79-84
  13. Lu HJ, Chen KW, Chen MH, Chu PY, Tai SK, Wang LW, Chang PMH, Yang MH. Predisposing factors, management, and prognostic evaluation of acute carotid blowout syndrome. J Vasc Surg 2013 Nov ;58(5) :1226-1235
  14. Liu Y, Suzuki M, Masunaga S, Chen YW, Kashino G, Tanaka H, Sakurai Y, Kirihata M, Ono K. Effect of bevacizumab treatment on p-boronophenylalanine distribution in murine tumor. J Radiat Res 2013 Mar ;54(2) :260-267
  15. Sai YL. Tsai SC, Yen SH, Huang KL, Mu PF, Liou HC, Wong TT, Lai IC, Liu P, Lou HL, Chiang IT, Chen YW. Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Child Nerv Syst 2013 Jul ;29(7) :1123-1129
  16. Ou SM, Lee YJ, HU YW, Liu CJ, Chen TJ, Fuh JL, Wang SJ, Does Alzheimer’s Disease Protect against Cancers ? A Nationwide Population-Based study. Neuroepidemiology 2013; 40(1): 42-49
  17. Lin SY, Li CJ, Lia JW, Peir JJ, Chen WL, Chi CW, Lin YC, Liu YM, Chou FI. Therapeutic Efficacy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Boric Acid-mediated Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in a Rat Model. Anticancer Res 2013 Nov ;33(11) :4799-4809
  18. Wang LW, Chen TJ, Fu CY, Lin JK, Lan CF, Yang SH. Sphincter-Preserving Surgery for Rectal Cancer: A Population-Based Study in Taiwan. Hepato-Gastroenterol 2013 Jun ;60(124) :709-714
  19. Chang YJ, Hsu CW, Chang CH, Lan KL, Ting G, Lee TW. Therapeutic efficacy of Re-188-liposome in a C26 murine colon carcinoma solid tumor model. Invest New Drug 2013 Aug ;31(4) :801-811
  20. Chung WY, Liu KD, Shiau CY, Wu HM, Wang LW, Guo WY, Ho DMT, Pan DHC. Gamma knife surgery for vestibular schwannoma: 10-year experience of 195 cases. J Neurosurg 2013 Dec ;119 :67-76
  21. Su VYF, Hu YW, Liu CJ. Reply to Amiodarone and the Risk of Cancer: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Cancer 2013 Oct 1 ;119(19) :3578-3579
  22. Su VYF, Hu YW, Li, CJ. Reply to Subgroup Analysis Comment on Amiodarone and the Risk of Cancer. Cancer 2013 Nov 15 ;119(22)
  23. Su VYF, Hu YW, Chou KT, Ou SM, Lee YC, Lin EYH, Chen T, Tzeng CH, Liu CJ. Amiodarone and the Risk of Cancer A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Cancer 2013 May 1 ;119(9) :1699-1705
  24. Lu HJ, Chen PCH, Yen CC, Hsiao FC, Tzeng CH, Ma H, Shiau CY,Chao TC. Refractory cutaneous angiosarcoma successfully treated with sunitinib. Brit J Dermatol 2013 Jul ;169(1) :204-206
  25. Kuo SC, Hu YW, Liu CJ, Lee YT, Chen YT, Chen TL, Chen TJ, Fung CP. Association between tuberculosis infections and non-pulmonary malignancies: a nationwide population-based study. Brit J Cancer 2013 Jul 9 ;109(1) :229-234
  26. Lan KH, Liu YC, Shih YS, Tsaid CL, Yen SH, Lan KL. A DNA vaccine against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) prevents tumor growth. Biochem Bioph Res Co 2013 Oct 18 ;440(2) :222-228
  27. Lee PC, Hu YW, Hung MH, Chen CC, Lin HC, Lee FY, Hung YP, Su VYF, Yen SH, Tzeng CH, Chiou TJ, Liu CJ. The Risk of Cancer in Patients with Benign Anal Lesions: A Nationwide Population-based Study. Am J Med 1143.e9; 2013 Dec ;126(12)
  28. Chen SC, Lin DSC, Lee CC, Hung SC, Chen YW, Hsu SPC, Lin CF, Wong TT, Chen MH, Chen HH. Rhabdoid glioblastoma: a recently recognized subtype of glioblastoma. Acta Neurochir 2013 Aug ;155(8) :1443-1448
  29. Wang LW, Chen YW, Ho CY, Hsueh Liu YW, Chou FI, Liu YH, Liu HM, Peir  JJ, Jiang SH, Chang CW, Liu CS, Wang SJ, Chu PY, Yen SH. Fractionated BNCT for locally recurrent head and neck cancer: Experience from a phase I/II clinical trial at Tsing Hua Open-Rool Reactor. Appl Radiat lsot. 2013 Dec 12.
  30. Wang LW, Hsiao CF, Chen WT, Lee HH, Lin TC, Chen HC, Chen HH, Chien CR, Lin TY, Liu TW.Celecoxib plus chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: A phase II TCOG study. J surg Oncol. 2013 Dec 24.
  31. Chao Y, Wu CY, Kuo CY, Wang JP, Luo JC, Kao CH, Lee RC, Lee WP, Li CP. Cytokines are associated with postembolization fever and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. Hepatol Int 2013 Jul ;7(3) :883-892
  32. Wang JP, Li CP, Chao Y. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: Another choice for advanced gastric cancer? J Chin Med Assoc 2013 Aug ;76(8) :415-416
  33. Chen PH, Kao WY, Chiou YY, Hung HH, Su CW, Chou YH, Huo TI, Huang YH, Wu WC, Chao Y, Lin HC, Wu JC. Comparison of prognosis by viral etiology in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation. Ann Hepatol 2013 Mar-Apr ;12(2) :263-273
  34. Han GH, Yang JJ, Shao GL, Teng GJ, Wang MQ, Yang JY, Liu ZY, Feng GS, Yang RJ, Lu LG, Chao Y, Wang JH. Sorafenib in combination with transarterial chemoembolization in Chinese patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a subgroup interim analysis of the START trial. Future Oncol 2013 Mar ;9(3) :403-410
  35. Park JW, Amarapurkar D, Chao Y, Chen PJ, Geschwind JFH, Goh KL, Han KH, Kudo M, Lee HC, Lee RC, Lesmana LA, Lim HY, Paik SW, Poon RT, Tan CK, Tanwandee T, Teng GJ, Cheng AL. Consensus recommendations and review by an International Expert Panel on Interventions in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (EPOIHCC). Liver Int 2013 Mar ;33(3) :327-337
  36. Wu WC, Chen YT, Hwang CY, Su CW, Li SY, Chen TJ, Liu CJ, Kao WY, Chao Y, Lin HC, Wu JC. Second primary cancers in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan. Liver Int 2013 Apr ;33(4) :616-623
  37. Chen MH, Yeh YC, Shyr YM, Jan YH, Chao Y, Li CP, Wang SE, Tzeng CH, Chang PMH, Liu CY, Chen MH, Hsiao M, Huang CYF. Expression of gremlin 1 correlates with increased angiogenesis and progression-free survival in patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. J Gastroenterol 2013 Jan ;48(1) :101-108
  38. Roy AC, Park SR, Cunningham D, Kang YK, Chao Y, Chen LT, Rees C, Lim HY, Tabernero J, Ramos FJ, Kujundzic M, Cardic MB, Yeh CG, de Gramont A. A randomized phase II study of PEP02 (MM-398), irinotecan or docetaxel as a second-line therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol 2013 Jun ;24(6) :1567-1573
  39. Chao Y, Wu CY, Wang JP, Lee RC, Lee WP, Li CP. A randomized controlled trial of gemcitabine plus cisplatin versus gemcitabine alone in the treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer. Cancer Chemoth pharm 2013 Sep ;72(3) :637-642
  40. Wu CA, Chao Y, Shiah SG, Lin WW. Nutrient deprivation induces the Warburg effect through ROS/AMPK-dependent activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. BBA-Mol Cell Res 2013 May ;1833(5) :1147-1156
  41. Chung YH, Han GH, Yoon JH, Yang JJ, Wang JH, Shao GL, Kim BI, Lee TY, Chao Y. Interim analysis of START: Study in asia of the combination of TACE (transcatheter arterial chemoembolization) with sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma trial. Int J Cancer 2013 May 15 ;132(10) :2448-2458
  42. Chen MH, Lin KJ, Yang WLR, Kao YW, Chen TW, Chao SC, Chang PMH, Liu CY, Tzeng CH, Chao Y, Chen MH, Yeh CN, Huang CYF. Gene expression-based chemical genomics identifies heat-shock protein 90 inhibitors as potential therapeutic drugs in cholangiocarcinoma. Cancer 2013 Jan 15 ;119(2) :293-303
  43. Su CH, Lan KH, Li CP, Chao Y, Lin HC, Tee SD, Lee WP. Phosphorylation accelerates geldanamycin-induced Akt degradation. Arch Biochem Biophys 2013 Aug 1 ;536(1) :6-11

