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Smart Sandbox

Smart Sandbox

Rapid advancements in technology are revolutionizing clinical medical settings. How do we establish a paradigm shift towards smart hospitals, achieving the ideal of "To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always"? Beyond just treating diseases, healthcare should provide patients with comfort and warmth. Smart healthcare is the battlefield where precision and intelligence converge. 

**Precision Medicine**
First and foremost, precision medicine addresses cancer by ensuring the right treatment is given to the right patient at the right time—what we call the "right cubed." Next, it focuses on critical care by delivering appropriate treatment to the appropriate patient at the appropriate time, termed "appropriate cubed." Lastly, it deals with chronic disease management through continuous care, realizing continuous treatment and achieving sustained management of chronic diseases, referred to as "continuous cubed." Mastering these three levels achieves the ultimate goal of smart healthcare.

**Artificial Intelligence (AI)**
AI breathes new life into traditional healthcare, akin to a green thumb transforming care into smart care. AI tools provide more personalized services, early diagnosis, and precision, weaving a smart healthcare network that enhances disease prevention, monitoring, and treatment. Patients evolve into smart patients, transforming the doctor-patient relationship from a patriarchal one to a more equal, empowered partnership. This transformation helps patients appreciate the significance of health and become proactive in managing their health. Smart patients exhibit high compliance, fostering excellent interactions between doctors and patients. Ultimately, traditional hospitals transform into smart hospitals, with operational centers providing optimal decision-making support, maximizing resource utilization, minimizing waste, and enhancing patient care processes through superior operations, streamlined workforce management, simplified procurement, and optimized services, all driven by transparency and accountability.

**Five Key Strategies:**
1. **Strategic Resource Allocation:**
   - Utilizing digital twins to create digital processes that align with clinical workflows, leveraging data analytics for scenario simulation and forecasting.

2. **Protocol-Based Operations:**
   - Establishing standard operating procedures to improve work reliability and reduce uncertainties.

3. **Clear Command System Principles:**
   - Implementing continuous, holistic care, optimizing patient and value flows, and transforming potential value into real healthcare value, enhancing job satisfaction.

4. **Predictive Analytics:**
   - Turning data into evidence and transforming evidence into potential value, a crucial element of commercial smart analytics.

5. **Function-Oriented Operations Center:**
   - Using high-dimensional digital dashboards to provide automated graphical indicators, presenting real-time cross-departmental data.

**Common Misconceptions:**
Many believe that smart healthcare entirely relies on technology, is only suitable for young people, lacks human touch, requires significant resources, or aims to replace doctors. This article introduces hundreds of smart healthcare innovations, explaining how digital transformation projects are implemented. It uses breakthrough thinking to explore carbon neutrality and smart healthcare, introduces the regulatory ecosystem for smart healthcare, intellectual property protection, and ethical considerations in using medical big data. As technology advances rapidly, today's marvels become tomorrow's commonplace. In building smart hospitals, we must constantly examine our motives, methods, and objectives, ensuring that our actions genuinely support our healthcare providers. We should seize the opportunities for technological innovation, including service innovation, process innovation, and product innovation. Most importantly, we should develop a continuous space that integrates virtual and physical realms, keeping pace with the times.

**Related Medical Regulations:**
- Key Points of Medical Device Management Law
- Introduction to Medical Regulations in Various Countries
- Good Clinical Practice for Medical Devices
- Implementing AI in Healthcare: A Regulation Perspective in Taiwan
- Technical Guidelines for Registration and Examination of AI/ML Medical Device Software
- IRB Review Mechanism for AI Medical Devices
- New Perspectives and Regulations on Medical Device Management
- Reference Guidelines for Medical Software Classification and Grading
- Discussing Human Factors Engineering Hazards in Medical Technology from ECRI’s Top Ten Medical Technology
- Pre-market Usability Assessment of Medical Device Usability

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