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About the Department

Central History

Infection control is the discipline concerned with preventing healthcare-associated infections. According to the organization of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taipei VGH) and referring to the purpose of the Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Control of Infectious Diseases Preparatory Committee” was set up in December 1981 in Taipei VGH. Then, “Hospital Infection Control Committee” was officially established to support infection control operation on 1st March 1982. In March 2004, the Department of Infection Control was established, and has been reformed and becomes an official department as Center for Infection Control (CIC) on 1st October 2022 subsequently. Under the platform of CIC, which includes three different divisions: Division of Healthcare-associated Infections and Epidemics Surveillance, Division of Environmental Risk Control, and Division of Infection Control Informatics. This center aim to strengthen infection control task in Taipei VGH, especially after the pandemic of COVID-19.

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