
Long-term care center opens music school for patients with dementia

Long-term care center opens music school for patients with dementia


Studies show that learning to play the piano can help preserve cognitive functions in older adults. A long-term care facility in Taipei has launched Taiwan’s first music therapy school in Taiwan, where award-winning pianists give free lessons to patients with dementia. FTV reporter Stephany Yang takes us in for a look.

The teacher patiently gives a lesson on the piano. Beautiful melodies ring through the center.

The teacher performs familiar folk songs, encouraging the audience to sing along to tunes such as “The Moon Represents My Heart” and “The Torment of a Flower.”

Stephany Yang
FTV reporter
A total of seventeen pianos were donated to the center. The center will hold free piano lessons every Wednesday morning.

A first-of-its-kind music school has launched in Taipei, offering free lessons to older adults with dementia and other disabilities.

Older adult
It’s my first time playing the piano. The class made me happy.

Older adult
I’m very happy.

Free piano lessons are offered at this long-term care facility in Beitou every Wednesday morning. Teachers include The Juilliard School alum Gwhyneth Chen, who is the youngest winner of the Pogorelich International Piano Competition. There’s also Amy Tsai, the chair of the Juilliard Performing Arts Association in Taiwan, and Tsung Pei-ti, the director of the music department at Soochow University.

In addition to providing classical piano courses, the teachers also perform songs and hold karaoke parties.

Gwhyneth Chen
The third part, the most interesting part, is a live karaoke band where I am playing Taiwanese pop songs or English pop songs and elders sing along. This is all for the elders to prevent Alzheimer’s and if they already have Alzheimer’s to maintain where they are now. By playing the piano, you stimulate the fingertips and it stimulates the corpus callosum in your brain, which connects the right and left brain.

Amy Tsai
Juilliard Performing Arts Association
We have to thank so many people who wanted to donate this piano. The elderly said, they never touched the piano. They never have this lesson before. Not even their faimily members. But, actually, when they sit in front of the piano, they are very happy.

Taiwan is set to become a super-aged society in 2025. Studies have shown that learning to play the piano can help stimulate the brain and delay the progression of dementia.

Chen Wei-ming
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Besides medication, there are other ways to encourage older adults, such as by encouraging them to exercise and by interacting with them. Learning can delay dementia and disability. Music is important.

This Beitou facility is the first long-term facility to provide music therapy in Taiwan. It hopes that they can create meaningful change in the lives of dementia patients through the power of music.

日照中心設樂齡音樂學堂 學彈鋼琴延緩失智





[[民視英語新聞記者 楊怡安}]


"很新鮮,頭一次,感覺什麼都很高興. "




[[國際鋼琴天后 陳毓襄]]

[[台灣茱莉亞學院表演藝術協會理事長 蔡佩真]]


[[台北榮總院長 陳威明]]


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