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Division of Pediatric and Emergency Radiology

Introduction to Pediatric and Emergency Radiology

1. Names, terms of office and important deeds of previous department directors:

Previous department directors: Dr. Diao Cuimei. Dr. Li Runchuan. Dr. Zhang Fengji.
Current department director: Dr. Wang Zhen.

The Department of Pediatric Radiology of the Department of Radiology was established in 1985, under the planning of Zhang Zun, the director of the Department of Radiology at that time. In 1983, Dr. Diao Cuimei of the Department of Radiology went to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, to study pediatric radiology. After returning to China, she also managed related businesses. In September 1985, he was appointed to take charge of the Department of Pediatric Radiology of the Department of Radiology and became the first department director. Dr. Diao's important achievements during his tenure include: 1. Introducing infant bronchography to the domestic academic community; 2. Extensive application of magnetic resonance imaging. Vibration photography is used in the examination of congenital heart disease.
2. Outstanding undergraduate medical technology or achievements:
1. Conduct research on the normal values ​​of children’s bone age.
2. Dupuller Ultrasound Examination and Diagnosis of Children’s Abdominal Organs.
3. Endovascular treatment of carotid artery burst in patients with head and neck cancer.
3. Undergraduate service projects:
1. All imaging examinations related to children, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
2. Angiography and interventional treatments related to children.
3. Emergency imaging diagnosis and interventional treatment.
4. Future prospects for undergraduate studies:
1. Assist in training more pediatric radiology experts to improve the quality of domestic children’s medical care.
2. Develop emergency diagnosis and treatment services for common diseases among Chinese people


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