英文學術著作 (Published):
(70) Antibiotic Impregnated Cement in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty -A Prospective Cohort Study of 183 Knees. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chien-Fu Jeff Lin.Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery -American Volume, March 2009;91:628-633.(骨科SCI, 3/49<10%, IF:3.313, 中譯:加有抗生素骨水泥對預防人工膝關節 再 置換後產生感染之效果研究--針對183例膝關節 再 置換術之前瞻性研究)
(69) Use of the Native Femoral Sulcus as the Guide for the Medial/Lateral Femoral Component Position in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Facilitates Patellar Tracking- A Prospective Evaluation of 700 Knees. Fang-Yao Chiu, Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 77:501-504,2006(骨科SCI,IF:1.762. 30%<19/49, P<50%, 中譯:以解剖學上股骨槽做為人工膝關節股骨元件置放位置之參考,對股骨賓骨關節之影響—針對 700 例膝關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(68) Native Femoral Sulcus as the Guide for Femoral Component Position in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty-A Prospective Study of 420 Knees.. Fang-Yao Chiu, Knee Srgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscope,14:437-442, May. 2006 (骨科SCI,IF:1.696, 30%<20/49, P<50%, 中譯:以解剖學上股骨槽做為人工膝關節股骨元件置放位置之參考之效果—針對 420 例膝關節置換術之前瞻性及比較性研究)
(67) Cefuroxime impregnated cement in primary total knee arthroplasty - a prospective randomized study of 340 knees. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chien-Fu Jeff Lin,Chuan Mo Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery -American Volume, 84:759, May 2002. (骨科SCI, 3/49<10%, IF:3.313,中譯:加有抗生素骨水泥對預防人工膝關節置換後產生感染之效果研究--針對 340 例膝關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(66) Cefuroxime impregnated cement in primary total knee arthroplasty in diabetes mellitus- a prospective randomized study of 78 knees. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chien-Fu Jeff Lin,Chuan Mo Chen, Wai Hee LoTien-Yow Chuang. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume, 83:691, July 2001. (骨科SCI,IF:2.196 10%<10/49,P<30%, 中譯:加有抗生素骨水泥對預防糖尿病患者接受人工膝關節置換後產生感染之效果研究--針對 78 例糖尿病患者接受膝關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(65) The Impact of Exsanguination by Esmarch Bandage on Venous Hemodynamic Changes in Total Knee Arthroplasty- a Prospective Randomized Study of 38 Knees. Fang-Yao Chiu (Corresponding author);Shih-Hsin Hung;Tien-Yow Chuang;Shu-Chiung Chiang Knee in press, 2010 Oct.(骨科SCI,IF:1.126, 31/56, 中譯:在人工膝關節置換術中,以Esmarch Bandage趕血對靜脈動力學影響之研究--針對 38 例患者接受膝關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(64) The effect of posterior capsulorrhaphy in primary total hip arthroplasty - a prospective randomized study. Fang-Yao Chiu, chuan-Mo Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Arthroplasty 14:147 Feb. 2000.(骨科SCI,IF:1.556, 30%<23/49, P<50%, 中譯:關節囊成型術對預防人工髖關節置換後產生脫臼之效果研究—針對 180 例髖關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(63) The Combination of Systemic Antibiotics and Antibiotics Impregnated Cement in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty inPatients of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Evaluation of 60 Knees.Hsin-Tong Liu, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mo Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei, 66:533-6,Sep. 2003. (中華醫誌,中譯:加有抗生素骨水泥對預防類風濕關節炎患者接受人工膝關節置換後產生感染之效果研究--針對 60 例膝關節置換術之前瞻性研究)
(62) Surgical Dibridement and Parenteral Antibiotics in Infected Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mu Chen. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, 461:130-135, Aug, 2007 (骨科學,IF:1.893, 16/49,SCI, 10%
(61) Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures of Young Adults Treated with Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation. Hui-Kuang Huang, ; Yu-Pin Su; Chuan-Mu Chen Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author) Chien-Lin Liu. ORTHOPEDICS, in press (骨科學,IF:0.588,37/49,SCI, 50%
(60) Rick Factors of Cutout of Lag Screw of Sliding Hip Screw in Intertrochanteric Fractures -An Evaluation of 937 Patients.Kuang-Kai Hsueh,Chi-Kuang Fang, Chuan-Mu Chen, Yu-Ping Su, Heng-Fei Wu, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author) Int Orthop. 34(8):1273, 2010 Dec. (骨科學,IF:1.235,28/49,SCI, 50%
(59) Dynamic Compression Plate and Cancellous Bone Graft with Retention of Nail for Aseptic Nonunion after Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fracture. Chuan-Mu Chen,Yu-Ping Su, Shih-Hsin Hung, Che-Li Lin, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author) ORTHOPEDICS, Online published June 2010 ((骨科學,IF:0.588,37/49,SCI, 50%
(58) A Surgical Protocol of Ankle Arthrodesis With Combined Ilizarov"s Distraction-Compression Osteogenesis and Locked Nailing for Osteomyelitis Around the Ankle Joint. Chen CM, Su AW, Chiu FY, Chen TH. J Trauma. 2010 Jun 3. [Epub ahead of print] (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%)
(57)Retention of syndesmosis screw in patients with ankle fracture and syndesmosis disruption. Chin-Pei Lin, Chi-Kuang Fang, Chuan-Mu Chen, Wei-Ming Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author). J Orthop Surg Taiwan. 2010, 27:10-14. (中華骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:踝關節骨折併脛朏關節脫臼以骨釘治療之前瞻性研究)
(56) Outcomes of common peroneal nerve lesions after surgical repair with acidic fibroblast growth factor.Tsai PY, Cheng H, Huang WC, Huang MC, Chiu FY, Chang YC, Chuang TY.J Trauma. 2009 May;66(5):1379-84. (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:以acidic fibroblast growth factor併手術修補對common peroneal nerve lesions治療之研究)
(55) Prospective analysis of a new minimally invasive technique for paediatric Gartland type III supracondylar fracture of the humerus. Li YA, Lee PC, Chia WT, Lin HJ, Chiu FY, Chen TH, Feng CK. Injury. 2009 Dec;40(12):1302-7. (骨科學, IF:2.383,SCI, 10%
(53) Revision with dynamic compression plate and cancellous bone graft for aseptic nonunion after surgical treatment of humeral shaftf fracture. Che-Li Lin, Chi-Kuang Fang, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mu Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen. Journal of Trauma, in press Sep.., 2008 (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%,使用互動態壓迫鋼板及自體植骨治療肱骨骨折手術治療後不癒合之研究)
(52) Isometric measurement of wrist-extensor power following surgical treatment of displaced lateral condylar fracture of the humerus in children.Chou PH, Feng CK, Chiu FY, Chen TH. Int Orthop. 2008 Oct;32(5):679-84 (骨科學,1.235, 28/49,SCI, 50%
(51) Reconstruction of jux-articular huge defects of distal femur with vascularized fibular bone graft and Ilizarov’s distraction osteogenesis. Davy Lai, Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu, Ming-Chau Chang, Tain-Hsiung Chen Journal of Trauma,62:166-173 Jan., 2007 (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%,中譯:對股骨遠端巨大骨缺損以诽骨帶血管植骨及Ilizarov骨延長術治療之研究)
(50) Chronic Knee Dislocation Treated with Arthroplasty. Hsin-Chang Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author) Injury Extra, 2006. (外科學, 中譯:以人工關節置換術治療慢性忽略之膝關節脫臼)
(49) Surgical Treatment of Basicervical Fractures of Femur- A Prospective Evaluation of 269 Patients. Chia-Yun Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author),Chuan-Mu Chen, Ching-Kuei Huang, Wei-Ming Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Journal of Trauma, 64:427-429 Feb., 2008 (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:對股骨基部頸骨折之手術復位及內固定之治療效果—針對269例患者之前瞻性研究)
(48)Article title: Reply to Letter to Editor. Posterior column and posterior wall of the acetabulum. Injury,37:295-298 2006. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:回覆主編信函-髖臼後壁及後柱移位性骨折之外科治療)
(47) Long Gamma Nail in the Management of Femoral Shaft Fracture after using Asian Pacific Gamma Nail for Pertrochanteric Fractures. Ming-Te Cheng, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author),Tien-Yow Chuang, Chuan-Mu Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen Injury, 37:994-999, 2006. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:Long Gamma Nail在治療”使用AP Gamma nail治療轉子處骨折後產生股骨幹骨折”之治療效果研究)
(46) Radiographic Evaluation of Articular Wear in Knees with Osteoarthritis – A comparison between standard standing AP and semiflex weight AP view. Ming-Hwa Liu, Yuan Chung Cho,Fang-Yao Chiu, Ping-Yi Ko, Cheng-Yen Chang. C J Radiologic Tech, June 30:57-62 2006. (中華放射線技術學雜誌, 中譯:不同角度下照膝關節正面相評估退化性關節炎之軟骨磨損程度之差異研究)
(45) Operative Treatment of Intraarticular Distal Radius Fractures Using the Small AO External Fixation Devise. Teng-Le Huang, Ching-Kuei Huang, Jung-Kuang Yu, Fang-Yao Chiu, Hsing-Torng Liu, Chien-Lin Liu, Tain-Hsiung Chen , Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei, 68:474-478, 2005. (中華醫誌,中譯:使用外固定器治療關節性橈骨遠端骨折之研究)
(44) Surgical Treatment of Open Diaphyseal Fractures of Both the Radius and Ulna. Jung-Pan Wang, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mu Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen , Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei, 68:379-382, 2005. (中華醫誌,中譯:使用互動態壓迫鋼板及自體植骨治療一般之肱骨不癒合之研究)
(43) Interlocking nails for displaced metaphyseal fracture of the distal tibia. Cheng-Yu Fan, Chao-Ching Chiang, Tien-Yow Chuang, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Tain Hsiung Chen. Injury, 36:669-674, 2005. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:使用互鎖式骨內釘治療不穩定移位脛骨遠端骨折之研究)
(42) Treatment of nonunion of humeral shaft fracture with with Dynamic Compression Plate and Cancellous Bone Graft. Tzu-Liang Hsu, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mu Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen , Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei, 68:73-76, 2005. (中華醫誌,中譯:使用互動態壓迫鋼板及自體植骨治療一般之肱骨不癒合之研究)
(41) Treatment of Complex Subtrochanteric Fracture with Long Gamma Nail- A prospective Evaluation of 64 Cases. Ming-Te Cheng, Fang-Yao Chiu (Corresponding author), Chi-Kuang Feng, Tien-Yow Chuang, Chuan-Mu Chen, Tain-Hsiung Chen. Journal of Trauma, 58:304-311, 2005 (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:Long Gamma Nail在複雜性股骨骨折之手術復位及內固定之治療效果—針對64例患者之前瞻性研究)
(40) The Results of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Elderly Patients with Severe Fractures of the distal humerus: A critical analysis of the results. Teng-Le Huang,Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author),Tien-Yow Chuang,Tain-Hsiung Chen Journal of Trauma, 58:62-69, 2005. (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:老年患者嚴重粉碎肱骨遠端骨折之手術復位及內固定之治療效果研究—深度及嚴密之分析)
(39) Surgical Treatment of Acute Displaced Fractures of Adult Distal Humerus with Reonstruction Plate. Teng-Le Hung, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Tien-Yow Chuan,Tain Hsiung Chen. Injury, 35:1143-1148, 2004. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%,中譯:以重建骨板治療肱骨遠端急性移位骨折之研究)
(38) Treatment of Unstable Pelvic Fractures:Transiliac Sacral Rod for Posterior Lesions and External Fixator for Anterior Lesions. Fang-Yao Chiu, Tien-Yow Chuang, Wai-Hee Lo Journal of Trauma, 57(1):141-145, July, 2004 (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:使用薦骨棒及外固定器治療不穩定骨彭骨折之效果研究—針對 65例患者之12年研究)
(37) Surgical Treatment of Displaced Fractures of Posterior Column and Posterior Wall of the Acetabulum. Jung Kuang Yu, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chi-Kuan Feng, Tien-Yow Chung, Tien-Hsiung Chen Injury, 35(8):766-70, 2004 August. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%,中譯:髖臼後壁及後柱移位性骨折之外科治療)
(36) Transacromial Knowles Pin in Treatment of Neer Type II Distal Clavicle Fractures- A Prospective Evaluation of 32 Cases. Cheng-Yuh. Fann, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Chuan-Mu Chen, Tien-Yow Chuang,Tien-Hsiung Chen. Journal of Trauma, 56:1102-6, May 2004. (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:使用Knowles 釘治療 Neer第二型鎖骨遠端骨折之效果研究—針對 32 例患者之前瞻性研究)
(35) Injuries during a massive tug-of-war game. Pei-Hsin Lin, Fang-Yao Chiu, Nian-Chin Hsiao, Tien-Yow Chuang. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei,66:436-439, July 2003. (中華醫誌,中譯:拔河比賽之運動傷害)
(34) The comparison of electrophysiologic findings of traumatic brachial plexopathies in tertiary care center. Tien-Yow Chuang, Fang-Yao Chiu, Yun-An Tsai, Shu-Chiung Chiang, Der-Jen Yen, Henrich Cheng. Injury 33;591, June 2002. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:外傷性臂神經叢之神經肌電圖之比較性研究)
(33) Surgical treatment of displaced acetabular fractures - 72 cases followed for 10 (6-14) years. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan-Mo Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Injury 31(3):181 April 2000. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:移位性髖臼骨折以外科手術治療之研究)
(32) Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head after Gamma Nailing for Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures. Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding Author), Wai-Hee Lo. Archive of Orthopedic Trauma and Surgery 121:505, Sep 2001. (骨科SCI, IF:0.965,50%<31/49,P<80%, 中譯:使用珈瑪釘固定不穩定轉子間骨折產生股骨頭缺血性壞死之研究)
(31) Cerclage wiring in treatment of displaced both columns fracture of acetabulum. Chuan Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Wai Hee Lo, Tain-Yow Chuang. Injury 32;391, June 2001. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:使用環繞鋼絲固定移位性髖臼雙柱骨折之前瞻性研究)
(30) Closed humeral shaft fractures - A prospective evaluation of surgical treatment. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan-Mu chen, Chien Fu Jeff Lin, Wai-Hee Lo, Yuan-Lung Huang, Tain-Hsiung chen. Journal of Trauma 43(6):947 Dec.1997 (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:使用不同內固定器治療移位性肱骨幹骨折之前瞻性研究)
(29) Ustable closed tibia shaft fractures - a prospective ebvaluation of surgical treatment. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan -Mu Chen, Wai Hee Lo, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Ching-Kuei Huang. Journal of Trauma 40(6):987 Jun. 1996. (外科學,IF:2.342,SCI, 10%<34/148,P<30%, 中譯:使用不同內固定器治療不穩定移位脛骨幹骨折之前瞻性研究)
(28) Ipsilateral hip and distal femoral fractures. Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Wai-Hee Lo, Tien-Yow Chuang. Injury 31(3):147 Apr. 2000. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%,, 中譯:同側髖關節及股骨遠端骨折外科治療之研究)
(27) Treatment of acute humeral fractures with Enders nail. Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Wai-Hee Lo, Tien-Yow Chuang. Injury 31(3):683 Nov. 2000. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:以Enders釘治療移位性肱骨幹骨折之研究)
(26) Undisplaced femoral neck fracture in the elderly. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo. Archive of Orthopedic Trauma and Surgery 115:90, Feb, 1996 (骨科SCI, IF:0.965,50%<31/49,P<80%, 中譯:老年人未移位股骨頸骨折使用外科治療之研究)
(25) Percutaneous pinning in undisplaced femoral neck fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Chen Tung Yu, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Chuan-Mu Chen. Injury 27(1):53 Jan. 1996 (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%,, 中譯:未移位股骨頸骨折使用穿皮式骨釘治療之研究)
(24) Surgical treatment for undisplaced femoral neck fracture in a 20 to 59 age group. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Chen Tung Yu, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Chuan-Mu Chen. Orthopedics 115(2):90 Apr.1996. (骨科SCI, IF:0.588,50%<37/49,P<80%, 中譯:年輕成年人未移位股骨頸骨折使用外科治療之研究)
(23) Fractures of posterior wall of acetabulum. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Tain-Hsiung Chen, Chuan-Mu Chen. Archive of Orthopedic Trauma and Surgery 115(2):90 Jun.1996 (骨科SCI, IF:0.965,50%<31/49,P<80%, 中譯:移位性髖臼後壁骨折以外科手術治療之研究)
(22) Management of avulsion injury of the PCL with reattachment. Fang-Yao Chiu, Jiunn Jer Wu, Horng Chaung Hsu, Levin Lin, Wai Hee Lo. Injury 25:293 Jan. 1994. (骨科學,IF:1.946,SCI, 10%<14/49,P<30%, 中譯:撕裂性後十字韌帶斷裂之外科手術治療之研究)
(21) Surgery for old ankle fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chi Yin Wong, Wai Hee Lo. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 65:294 Mar. 1994 (骨科SCI, IF:1.762. 30%<19/49, P<50%, 陳舊性踝關節骨折以外科手術治療之研究)
(20) Treatment of acetabular fractures-10 year experience. Chuan-Mo Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu (Corresponding author), Tein-Yow Chuan, Wai Hee Lo. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 63:384 May 2000. (中華醫誌,中譯:治療髖臼骨折之十年經驗報告)
(19) Salmomella infection in total hip arthroplasty - a case report. Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu (Corresponding author), Wai-Hee Lo, Tien-Yow Chuang. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 43:947 May 2000. (中華醫誌,中譯:治療人工髖關節之沙門氏桿菌感染之經驗)
(18) Acute closed humeral shaft fractures treated with dynamic compression plate. Chuan-Mu Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu (Corresponding author), Wai-Hee Lo, Tien-Yow Chuang. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 61:586 Oct. 1998. (中華醫誌,中譯:以壓迫性鋼板治療移位性肱骨幹骨折之研究)
(17) Sudomotor abnormalities in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Rai-Chi Chan, Tien-Yow Chuang, Fang-Yao Chiu. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 63:189 Mar. 2000. (中華醫誌,中譯:反射性交感萎縮之汗腺活動異常之研究)
(16) Pathological lesion in subtrochanter - A biomechanical evaluation with pork frmorae. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan-Mo Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Orthopedic Association ROC 14:147 Jan. 1997 (中華骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:轉子下病理性骨折之生物力學研究--豬股骨模型)
(15) Posterior capsulorrhaphy in primary total hip arthroplasty. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan-Mo Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Orthopedic Association ROC 14:147 Jun. 1999 . (中華骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:後關節囊成型術對預防人工髖關節置換後產生脫臼之效果研究)
(14) Treatment of unstable tibial shaft fractures-a prospective study. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Tain Hsiung Chen, Chuan Mu Chen, Ching Kuei Huang. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 57:124, Feb.1996 (中華醫誌,中譯:治療不穩定移位脛骨幹骨折之前瞻性研究)
(132) Ender nail in unstable open tibial shaft fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Tain Hsiung Chen, Chuan Mu Chen, Ching Kuei Huang, Wei-Ming Chen. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 57:245 Apr. 1996 (中華醫誌,中譯:以Enders釘治療開放性不穩定移位性肱骨幹骨折之研究)
(12) Ender nail in unstable closed tibial shaft fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo, Tain Hsiung Chen, Chuan Mu Chen, Ching Kuei Huang, Wei-Ming Chen. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 58:84 Aug. 1996 (中華醫誌,中譯:以Enders釘治療閉鎖性不穩定移位性肱骨幹骨折之研究)
(11) Complication in surgical treatment of undisplaced femoral neck fracture. Yung-Heng Lee, Fang-Yao Chiu(Corresponding author), Wai-Hee Lo. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 58:24 Jul. 1996. (中華醫誌,中譯:未移位股骨頸骨折使用外科治療之併發症研究)
(10) Arthrodesis for old ankle fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chi Yin Wong, Wai Hee Lo, Tain-Hsiung Chen. Journal of Surgical Association ROC 28:95 Mar. 1995 (中華外科醫學會雜誌,中譯:陳舊性踝關節骨折以關節固定術治療之研究)
(9) Delayed treatment of ankle fracture. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chi Yin Wong, Wai Hee Lo, Tain-Hsiung Chen. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 53:233 Apr. 1994 (中華醫誌,中譯:陳舊性踝關節骨折延遲治療之研究)
(8) Management of insufficiency of posterior cruciate ligaments. Fang-Yao Chiu, Jiunn Jer Wu, Horng Chaung Hsu, Levin Lin, Wai Hee Lo. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 53:282 May 1994 (中華醫誌,中譯:治療後十字韌帶斷裂之研究)
(7) Conservative treatment and surgical reconstruction in insufficiency of PCL. Fang-Yao Chiu, Jiunn Jer Wu, Horng Chaung Hsu, Levin Lin, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Surgical Association ROC 27:620 Sep. 1994 (中華外科醫學會雜誌,中譯:後十字韌帶斷裂保守與外科治療之研究)
(6) 互鎖式骨內釘及Ender氏釘治療脛骨骨折臨床應用之比較. 邱方遙, 魯子全, 羅惠熙, 陳天雄, 陳全木, 黃清貴. J Orthop Ass ROC 11:47 Mar.1994 (中華骨科醫學會雜誌)
(5) Multiple glomus tumor: a case report. Fang-Yao Chiu, Tain Hsiung Chen, Li Yuann Shih, Wai Hee Lo. Chinese Medical Journal-Taipei 52:346 Nov.1993. (中華醫誌,中譯:多發性glomus腫瘤,一病例報告)
(4) The management in PCL injury. Shao Keh Hsu, Jiunn Jer Wu, Fang-Yao Chiu, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of the WPOA 29:99 Dec. 1992 (西太平洋骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:治療後十字韌帶斷裂之研究)
(3) Bateman bipolar hemiarthroplasty for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fractures. Wei Ming Chen, Ching Kuei Huang, Tain Hsiung Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan Mu Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Orthopedic Association ROC 10:25 Mar. 1993 (中華骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:以雙極式半髖人工髖關節置換治療移位股骨頸骨折之研究)
(2) Bateman bipolar hemiarthroplasty for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture. Wai Hee Lo, Wei Ming Chen, Ching Kuei Huang, Tain Hsiung Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu, Chuan Mu Chen. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research 302:75 May 1994 (臨床骨科及相關研究,SCI, 10%
(1) Dynamic condylar screw for fracture of the distal femur. Fong-Fuh Huang, Ching Kuei Huang, Wei Ming Chen, Fang-Yao Chiu, Tain Hsiung Chen, Chuan Mu Chen, Wai Hee Lo. Journal of Orthopedic Association ROC 13:237 Sep. 1996 (中華骨科醫學會雜誌,中譯:以dynamic condylar screw治療股骨遠端骨折之研究)