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Yi-Shiuan Li



Taipei medical University

School of Medicine, 2010-2017

Program of Neuroscience, 2010-2017



Department of Anesthesiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C

Attending physician, 2023–

Fellowship training, 2023

Resident physician training, 2019-2023

Post-Graduate Year training, 2018-2019

Board certification


Professional affiliation

        Member of Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists 

        Member of Taiwan Chapter, ERAS Society



General Anesthesia 


Journal Publications

  1. Chang, W. K., Y. S. Li, H. L. Wu, Y. H. Tai, S. P. Lin and K. Y. Chang (2022). "Group-based trajectory analysis of postoperative pain in epidural analgesia for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and risk factors of rebound pain." J Chin Med Assoc 85(2): 216-221.
  2. Kuo, Y. M., H. Y. Lai, E. C. Tan, Y. S. Li, T. Y. Chiang, S. S. Huang, W. C. Huang and Y. C. Chu (2022). "Cervical spine immobilization does not interfere with nasotracheal intubation performed using GlideScope videolaryngoscopy: a randomized equivalence trial." Sci Rep 12(1): 4041.
  3. Li, Y. S., K. Y. Chang, S. P. Lin, M. C. Chang and W. K. Chang (2022). "Group-based trajectory analysis of acute pain after spine surgery and risk factors for rebound pain." Front Med (Lausanne) 9: 907126.
  4. Li, Y. S., E. C. Tan, Y. J. Tsai, M. S. Mandell, S. S. Huang, T. Y. Chiang, W. C. Huang, W. K. Chang and Y. C. Chu (2022). "A Tapered Cuff Tracheal Tube Decreases the Need for Cuff Pressure Adjustment After Surgical Retraction During Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: A Randomized Controlled, Double-Blind Trial." Front Med (Lausanne) 9: 920726.
  5. Ling, X. C., H. P. Lu, E. W. Loh, Y. K. Lin, Y. S. Li, C. H. Lin, Y. C. Ko, M. Y. Wu, Y. F. Lin and K. W. Tam (2019). "A systematic review and meta-analysis of the comparison of performance among step-tip, split-tip, and symmetrical-tip hemodialysis catheters." J Vasc Surg 69(4): 1282-1292.

Poster presentation

  1. June 2022    Euroanaesthesia 2022 The European Anaesthesiology Congress
    Group-based trajectory analysis of acute pain after spine surgery and risk factors for rebound pain. Virtual
  2. Oct 2022 ANESTHESIOLOGY 2022 Annual meeting
    A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Risk Factors Of Hypotension After Spinal. Virtual
  3. Nov 2022 TSA annual meeting

