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Research data set

Hello colleagues:

     Share a piece of good news with you! "TPEVGH COVID-19 Big Data Research Collection" has been prepared. All colleagues who are interested and have ideas but have no information can start writing an IRB application case, and shine yourself in the field of COVID-19 research!

During the past two years of epidemic prevention, TPEVGH has not only worked hard to protect Taiwan, but the Dean also instructed us to further analysis of the real-world data accumulated by TPEVGH, making TPEVGH an important leading role position in the world. Under the guidance of superintendent Chen, Vice- superintendent Hou, and Vice- superintendent Kuo, the Big Data Center took the initiative to work with the Information Office, the Department of Family Medicine, the Department of Children's Medicine, the Department of Medical Enterprises, and the Department of Medical Research to organize the data during the period of the epidemic (2021/1-2022/6) and preliminarily divide it into the following three data sets.

1. COVID-19 Vaccine data set

2. COVID-19 PCR screening data set

3. COVID-19 confirmed data set

These data are precious real-world evidence. During the epidemic, there are very few units in the world that have such complete data. The data can be used for innovative research on issues such as the reliability and integrity of vaccines and screening tests, and the correlation of symptoms after diagnosis. All colleagues are welcome to make use of it.

The collection of this data set was not easy. Especially during the epidemic, the policy was revised on a rolling basis, and the data inconsistencies at each time needed to be consolidated. Under the guidance of the dean and the vice dean, and with the efforts of many colleagues, the database was finally accomplished.

First of all, the process of data generation: Thanks to the Department of Family Medicine for compiling and providing the details of how the Department of Children’s Medicine enters vaccines into the outpatient system, generates vaccine records, and how they upload them to the system. Thanks to the Department of Healthcare and Enterprise for providing the production of Covid-19 screening records, and how to code COVID-19 confirmed patients. Thanks to the engineers of the Information Room for tracking the data flow and converting the medical records into hospital data.

Next, data verification is performed to ensure the correctness of the data. The engineer will verify the correctness of the data by sampling. Then the Big Data Center performs pseudo-anonymity to protect the privacy of patients, and also data partition, exporting data from a large database into a research data table form. Finally, after the data field is processed and encrypted, it will be divided into text files that general researchers can analyze. The Big Data Center will hence provide IRB applicants with the text files.

The results of big data are often far-reaching. Please be reminded to apply to the human trial committee before using the data creatively, discuss the most appropriate data processing strategy with experts, and protect the moderator's obligations and patients’ privacy!


Please note the following:

1. Investigators must first apply for IRB approval, then download the new application form according to the application process of the hospital.

2. De-anonymize personal information, please do not try to crack it to maintain patient privacy.

#The following content is an excerpted version. Please refer to the PDF file of the Bi-weekly Report (2022.8.3, issue 0001) for the complete weekly report.


Q 1. What is the “Database"?

A: The big data center has connected drugs, applications of health care items, and test values ​​(for the format, please refer to the new version of the codebook excel file in the "File Download" section of the website). According to the application process of the hospital, based on the protection of patient privacy and the legitimacy of PI research, please apply for the IRB first. The research team should design the research and be reviewed by the IRB committee. After the research topic is determined, the Big Data Center Information Team (Information Room) will provide information accordingly. To be more efficient, it is suggested that the topics can be locked to the prepared data set: All drugs, applications for health care items, and test values.

Q 2. Can you help me concatenate the values?

A: The Big Data Center information team is trying very hard to concatenate data for everyone, but it takes time to process the data depending on the complexity. To be more efficient, it is suggested that the topics can be locked to this data set: All drugs, applications health care items, and test values.

For more needs or data questions, please contact:

Big Data Center-Information Group Engineer Zi-Kai Gao (ext. 7264 ext. 370)|Senior Engineer Dr. Yuan-Jia Chu (ext. 7264 ext. 501) |Director of Center Yu-Chin Chen (Business call: 8#1149) |

For administrative procedures, please contact:

Big Data Center Division Medical Examination Feng-Yuan Yang (Ext. 4065) | Administrative Assistant Da-Kai Ho (Ext. 1244) | Director of Center Yu-Chun Chen (Business call: 8#1149)

Q 3. Retrospective research has a limit on the scope of application to the data that are 6 months before the application date. Does this data set also have this limitation?

A: Each research has different risks according to the topic, the release date and column of data may also be different. It will be implemented after the IRB committees review the application.

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