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Education Training



1. Research skills development course: 2019.10.29- 2019.11.6 R Lecture Notes - update file (2019.11.26 amendment)

2. 2020.1.15 Big Data Data Application and Introduction to SQL - Lecture Notes

3.  2020.8.20 - Introduction to My SQL Analysis Data - Lecture Notes

4. 2020.8.21 - Lesson 1 Python Analysis Data - Lecture Notes

5. 2020.11.24 - Using AI Technology to Create a New Future of Healthcare - Lecture Notes

6. 2020.12 - Data Dashboards DIY (co-organized with the Teaching Department - Director of TPEVGH Zen-Gji Chen) - Lecture Video files




1. 2021.1.13 Introduction to AI Deep Learning (NYCU- Ms. Chen Ling) - Lecture Notes

2. 2021.11.5-12.8 [Big Data Center Digital Learning Course]: Video Seminar: Alchemy Live (Medical Examiner of TPEVGH Yang Feng-Yuan) - Lecture Video files




【Pyramid Innovation R&D Online Courses Zone】- TPEVGH North District Branch Area

【Young Physician Action Digital Learning Zone】

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