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Introducing Cancer Committee of Taipei Veterans General Hospital

     Cancer committee of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) was founded in 1969. It was first chaired by the Vice Superintendent Mr. Lu, on top of that, chief doctors from various departments were invited to dedicate to the promotion of cancer registry.

     In January of the succeeding year, two full-time cancer registrars was employed and had started cancer registry and tracing throughout the hospital. Furthermore, TVGH was in active cooperation with S.Y.Dao Cancer Prevention Foundation to advocate education for cervical cancer, lung cancer screening and cancer prevention for the general. With strenuous effort of all previous chairpersons and committee members, TVGH has had remarkable progress regarding cancer diagnosis and treatment, prevention screening, cancer prevention education and cancer registry.

     Later on in 1985, the duty of cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment, and research and development, etc. was relocated to relevant clinical divisions, and the cancer center affiliated reference room was in charge of cancer registry throughout TVGH. In a word, cancer committee has ameliorated the quality of medical care to a higher altitude of completeness.

      Nowadays, Health Promotion and Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare has drafted “Health Promotion and Administration’s Quality Guarantee of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Measures Regulation” after legislation of Cancer Prevention Act. It is used as a guideline for hospitals to enhance quality of cancer diagnosis and treatment, and has encouraged the establishment of Cancer Medical Quality Team within each hospital. TVGH possesses powerful groundwork regarding fields including cancer screening, medicare, hospice and mitigation and cancer registry and R&D (research and development). In the long run, with the aim to further augment efficiency and integration of human resources in the hospital, Vice superintendent then, Mr. Chien Hsien Li had called together the establishment of Cancer Committee.

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