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Division Introduction

Prosthodontics Pedodontics Orthodontics Endodontics
Periodontics Family Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  

Prosthodontics Division

Features of division:center of oral rehabilitation

Chair of division:Dr. Wen-Yu Shih

Former chair:
Dr. Ze-Hwai Lin  1984.1.15-1997.1.15
Dr. Hong-Ji Chang  1997.3.1-2005.3.31
Dr. Shing-Wai Yip  2005.6.16-2017.12.31
Dr. Tung-oi Hong  2017.12.31-2024.1.16

The goal of Prosthodontics Division is to use teamwork based professional experience to provide comprehensive care for rehabilitation of missing teeth and craniofacial tissues. Our teamwork conducts an integrated therapies with intimate cooperation among other specialties of periodontics, endodontics, orthodontics and oral surgery. We apply latest techniques and improved biomaterials to restore optimal dental function and esthetics of patients using crowns, veneers, bridges, removable dentures and dental implants . We also contribute to the advanced dental knowledge through the various clinical and basic researches to facilitate excellence in dentistry.



Pedodontics Division

Features of division: dental care of children, children with special needs, dental treatment under General anesthesia, early orthodontics treatment, prevention of dental caries.

Chief of division: Dr. Tzu-Ying Wu

Former chair:
Dr. Hsiao-Fann Chia 1984.1.15-2008.6.15
Dr. Wen-Yu Shih 2008.6.15-2024.1.16

The goal of Pedodontics Division is to provide a high quality of oral health care for infants, preschoolers, school age children, and adolescents. We also have profound experience in treating children with delayed development, disabilities, or systemic diseases. Our clinic provides restoration of decayed teeth, full mouth rehabilitation for severe early childhood caries, dental caries preventive health care, early orthodontics treatment, and oral surgeries for the children. We offer dental treatment under general anesthesia in operation room since 1980s. With the help of our experienced anesthesia care team, safe and efficient dental treatments can be performed for noticeably young children or those with special healthcare needs. Our ultimate goal is to put a healthy and beautiful smile on every child's face.



Orthodontics Division

Features of division: Comprehensive plan for orthodontic management of general dentition malalignment & dento-maxillo-facial deformity

Chief of division:  Dr. Tzu-Ying Wu

Former chair:  
Dr. John Jin-Jong Lin 1984.1.15-1990.10.31
Dr. Tony Fong-Tung Wu 1990.11.15-2001.4.16
Dr. Shou-Hsin Kuang 1998.7.16-2015.10.02

The goal of Orthodontics Division is to provide comprehensive orthodontic and combined surgico-orthodontic therapies for cases with general dental malalignment or dento-maxillo-facial deformity. Our division provides a high-quality health care for the orthodontic patients. The teamwork consists 3D analysis of maxillofacial components, consultation with cooperated specialties, and delivery of comprehensive treatment modality. Three full-time attending physicians and more than 5 part-time faculties offer a fruitful resource of teaching and clinical consultation for the resident and graduate students. The future goal of Orthodontics Division is to  develop advanced diagnostic skill and achieve computerized image-assisted treatment for the patients. As one of national leading specialty in Taiwan, our division aims to be a multi-oriented institute with outstanding clinical service, education and research work.



Endodontics Division

Features of division: microscopic root canal treatment, microscopic periapical surgery, nonvital tooth bleaching, management of traumatic teeth

Chief of division:Dr. Yi-chun Lin

Former Chief:
Dr. Zu-Pyn Yang 1984.6.11-1990.3.31
Dr. Shue-fen Yang -2024.1.16 

The goal of Endodontics Division is to provide endodontic diagnosis and treatment of pulpal and periapical diseases. In addition to the regular patients, the faculty receive referral cases from different dental clinics for microscopic endodontic diagnosis, treatment or surgery due to various endodontic difficulties, consisting of calcified canal, persistent symptoms, separated instrument, tooth with open apex or fractured tooth. Our division has been conducted an endodontic specialty training program qualified by Academy of Endodontics, Republic of China, since 1999. There are two full time faculties and 14 part-time faculties in the program. Other than weekly teaching activities, a collaborative domestic endodontic specialist meeting is held monthly to share advanced knowledge, skill or techniques in the endodontic field.



Periodontics Division

Features of division: periodontal treatment, periodontal plastic surgery, implant therapy

Chief of division: Dr. Yi-chun Lin

Former chair:
Dr. Li-jane Lin 1984.1.15- 2004.8.31
Dr. Yu-lin Lai 2004.9.1- 2018.1.16

The goal of Periodontics Division is to provide optimal patient care, dental education, and scientific research in the field of periodontology and implant dentistry. The main scope of patient service includes the highest level of periodontal health care which comprises management and prevention of periodontal disease, soft and hard tissue reconstruction for regenerating periodontal tissues, as well as advanced implant therapy using a digital workflow. The guided implant surgery with in-hospital fabrication of surgical stents using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology is also well developed.

The education includes strong training of pre-doctoral and post-graduate students within contemporary periodontology and oral implantology through didactic lectures, evidence-based leaning, individual tutoring, e-learning modules and supervised clinical practice with the highly-diverse treatment planning. The post-graduate training is intended to prepare future leaders in the specialty of periodontics.




Family dentistry Division (operative dentistry, total patient care)

Features of division: developing total patient care, operative dentistry, 2 major branches or units in family dentistry

Chief of division:

Former chair:
Dr. Hong-Ji Chang   2005.4.1-2013.1.15
Dr. Tze-Cheung Yeung  2013.12.1-2017.9.3
Dr. Chein-Hsien Wu 2019.1.1- 2023.3.5


Operative Dentistry Division

Chief of section: Dr. Kong- Wan  Chan                                                           

 The goal of Operative Dentistry Division is to provide the knowledge technical skills and critical thinking for the diagnosis and management of dental caries, non-carious dental defects, developmental abnormalities, discoloration, dental trauma, and esthetic smile enhancements. We also develop preventive dental care and provide health knowledge to the persons in community, consisting of prevention of oral diseases and awareness of oral hygiene in the population.

Total Patient Care Division (TPC)

Chief of section: Dr. Shyh-Yuan Lee

 The goal of Total Patient Care Division is to fulfill the comprehensive treatment centered by patient’s need and safety. The sequence of treatment starts with a patient oriented history taking, physical and radiographic Examination, diagnosis, and an integrated multi-modality treatment plan. Through pretreatment consultation, the patient will be served by a sound and logic treatment sequence conducted by a doctor monitored by supervisor. Special charting and treatment record will be summarized and presented in the session of conference, which will retrieve the performance for each patient during and after treatment.



Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Division

Features of division:developing computerized navigation surgery, microvascular free tissue transfer, conducting basic research in oral carcinogenesis and tissue engineering, creating novel clinical trial on oral cancer prevention

Chief of division:Dr. Cheng-Hsien Wu

Former Chair:
Dr. Che-Shoa Chang  1984.1.15-2003.1.15
Dr. Shou-Yen Kao  2003.1.15-2008.5.1
Dr. Man-Tien Lui  2008.5.1-2017.3.1
Dr. Wen-Liang, Lo  2017.3.1-2023.3.1

The Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) division in Taipei-VGH undertook the goals of teaching, research, and clinical services covering the major fields of the OMS area. The services include the out-patient clinics for minor surgeries as well as the inward care of 22 beds of major surgical cases.

The patient service of out-patient clinics consists of surgical exodontia, biopsy surgery, preprosthetic surgery, dento-alveolar surgery, and implant surgery. The ultrasonography of the head and neck region is also performed in clinics for screening the head and neck lesions and surveying the vessel condition.

The OMS wards allow the inward treatment of oral diseases with maxillofacial trauma, head and neck infection, TMJ surgery, orthognathic surgery, jawbone tumors and cyst, various mucosa diseases, reconstructive surgery, major salivary gland disease and oral cancers . In the integrated treatment program of oral cancer, cooperation with plastic surgeon, oncologists and other subspecialties in dentistry is performed. Our ultimate goal is to reduce cancer incidence, recurrence, progression, and associated adverse effects.



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