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1995 Founded the Chih-Teh Building Clinical Laboratory Management Committee
2004 Founded and released directions as well as enforcement rules for Clinical Research Core Laboratory (CRCL)
2005 Finalized the first version of CRCL User Guide
2006 Formally rename to the Steering Committee of Clinical Research Core Laboratory at Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Consecutively involved in planning of the Medical Science & Technology Building
2007 Set up CRCL Chinese website
2008 Resolution to increase the Steering Committee members from 15 to 17-19 people
2009 Decided to reform individual laboratories into core laboratory model for CRCL at the 4th and 5th floor of the Medical Research Building
2010 Re-allocated laboratory spaces at the basement of the Medical Research Building
2011 First renovation for CRCL at the 4th and 5th floor of the Medical Research Building
Built the deep-freezer storage room at 12 sections of the Building
2012 Set up preclinical experimental area at the basement for animal studies
2013 Withdrew the isotope laboratories at the Medical Research Building to Department of Nuclear Medicine
2014 Resolution to constitute the Steering Committee members by 17-20 people including 5 apparent members
Released governing rules and charging fees for deep-freezer storage room
Set up task group for the toxic chemical emergency response and arranged routine annual drills
2015 Started charging the user fees for deep-freezer storage room
Revised the CRCL research performance form as references for bench allocation
Revised CRCL User Guide to second edition
2016 Reassigned the space of chemical storage rooms for unified management
2017 Shutdown laboratories at the basement and reassigned to laboratories at the 4th  and 5th floor of the Medical Research Building or the 7th  floor of the Medical Science & Technology Building  
2018 Dispose and clearance aged chemical waste
2019 Second renovation for CRCL at the 6th floor of the Medical Research Building
Designated to manage the BSL2 laboratories at North side of the 7th floor of the Medical Science & Technology Building
2020 An unveiling ceremony was held on May 21th to celebrate the completion of renovation for the CRCL 6th floor
2021 Ended the 20-month entrustment on management of the BSL2 laboratory on the seventh floor of the Med Sci & Tech Building
2022 Returned the laboratory space borrowed from the Med Sci & Tech Building and unified the management of CRCL laboratories at the Chih-Teh Buliding
2023 Renamed the Steering Committee of Clinical Research Core Laboratory and revised the regulation concordantly




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