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International Service Center


History and Origin:     

          Stroke is one of the most serious and lethal diseases, not only in this country but across the world. The number of people that suffer from strokes per year across the globe is close to the total population of Taiwan. 5.5 million people die every year from strokes and stroke related complication, currently about 50 million people worldwide have suffered a cerebrovascular event, of whom 17 million become disabled. In Taiwan, stroke was the leading cause of death since 1981, however recently has decreased to the third as of 2008. Although stroke mortality has been declining, stroke incidence has not. The prevalence of stroke and number of stroke related hospitalizations continues to grow. Consequently, the prevention and treatment of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases is the focus of our efforts.

In first world nations, stroke and cerebrovascular medical care emphasizes the depth of treatment as well as the pursuit of diversity in methodology. The traditional medical specializations no longer meet today's ever-changing technological developments or the increasing demands of patient care. The implementation of superior patient care, development and introduction of novel medical technologies, incorporation of fundamental and clinical research, all require cross-disciplinary integration. Our goal is to combine multidisciplinary efforts from: neurology, neurosurgery, radiology, and rehabilitation to provide patients with a full range of quality one-stop services.

The Stroke and Neurovascular Center:

          In August of 2010, our institute established the Stroke Treatment Quality Improvement Task Force. The team has been getting outstanding results. Our clinical performance indicators such as; stroke mortality, thrombolysis-related intracerebral hemorrhage, and acute cerebral artery occlusion etc., can match that of the top stroke centers in the world.  Our team was rated highly by the Joint Commission of Taiwan as “A Benchmarking Team for Improving Thrombolysis-Related Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke Care”. In May of 2012, The Stroke and Neurovascular Center was founded to help further implementation and improve the quality of clinical care and academic researches on stroke and cerebrovascular diseases.

Our Missions:
1. To improve the quality of care for patients with stroke and cerebrovascular diseases.
2. To maintain the standards of the Joint Commission on Acute Stroke Accreditation and Certification.
3. To incorporate our clinical resources on stroke and cerebrovascular diseases for improving the quality of     our research.
4. To provide quality health education for patients, their families, and the general public about stroke and         cerebrovascular diseases.
5. To become the best stroke and neurovascular disease care center in the world.    



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