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About Us

Medical education is one of life educations. The traditional way of medical education is apprenticeship-style teaching, led by the senior physician of young medical students, one by one to learn the medical skills. As technology advances and the rapid accumulation of knowledge, the traditional way of medical education has not in response to the trend. Many medical and clinical skills have been learning through the simulation training, to be skilled in patients who after the actual facilities. Through these simulation training and learning, not only the patient can be suffering from being experimental, medical students can be exempted for the first time to face the anxiety and embarrassment for patients, reduce operational errors and even threaten his life.


Established in 2003, the Center of Clinical Skills Training marks our pioneering role in the country for high-realistic medical simulation training. In 2010, it was among the first list of centers eligible for national OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). In November of 2013, the center was renamed Division of Clinical Skills Training (DCST) in the wave of hospital reorganization, and continued to hold core curriculums related to clinical skills, first aid training, clinical communication skills training, simulation training, OSCE, and inter-professional education, aiming to strengthen the problem-solving ability of the medical staff, and thus to better doctor-patient relationship and finally ensure health care quality and patient safety. In addition, DCST provides venues and teaching resources for rent, collects curriculum video and publishes books for the purpose to share resources, which is also acclaimed by many users.


臨床技術訓練科大門   臨床技術訓練科涼亭 

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