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部主任 楊盈盈

楊盈盈 部主任

 楊盈盈部主任(Ying Ying Yang) 

 學歷: 國立陽明大學 公共衛生研究所 博士

     國立陽明大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士

     國立陽明大學 醫學系 學士

E-mail  [email protected]






 考選部 醫學臨床技能測驗試務委員會委員





 台灣擬真醫學教育學會第3-4屆常務理事&台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 編輯委員



 陽明大學醫學院107&109&110院務會代表、醫學系 教學發展委員會




 台北市立忠孝醫院 內科 主治醫師

 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部胃腸科 總醫師

 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 住院醫師

出國進修  加拿大卡加利大學肝病中心博士後進修
醫療專長  肝硬化、門脈高壓症

 民國100年 財團法人肝病防治學術基金會肝病防治優秀論文獎

 民國101年 行政院國家科學委員會吳大猷先生紀念獎、臺灣肝臟研究學會優秀

 民國102年 中研院年輕學者研究著作獎


 民國95&96、98-102年度 臺北榮民總醫院臨床教學績優醫師獎、實習醫學生

 良教師及教學優良獎座、國立陽明大學教師學術卓越獎 [2017-




 108年度 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會醫療及安養機構優良醫師

 109年度 台北市醫師公會第二十八屆醫師杏林獎

 110年度 中華民國醫師公會全聯會 第二十八屆台灣醫療典範獎

 110年度 台北榮總臨床教學績優醫師獎

 110年度 台北榮總醫師創新(改良)獎/創新(改良)獎


[*:corresponding author, 累計33篇]

  1. Chang SL, Kuo MJ, Lin YJ, Chen SA, Yang YY*, Cheng HM, Yang LY, Kao SY, Lee FY.. Virtual reality (VR) informative aids increase residents' atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation procedures-related knowledge and patients' satisfaction. J Chin Med Assoc 2021, 84(1):25-32(SCI).
  2. Wu CH,  Huang YC,  Chiang DH,  Yang YY*,  Yang  LY,  Kao SY,  Chen CH,  Lee FY. A quality improvement pilot project of training nurses to use VR educational aids to increase oral cancer patients' pretreatment knowledge and satisfaction. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2020;49:101858 (SCI).
  3. Shulruf B, Yang YY*, Huang PH, Yang LY , Huang CC, Huang CC, Liu CW, Huang SS, Chen CH, Lee FY, Kao SY: Standard Setting Made Easy: Validating the Equal Z-score (EZ) method for setting cut-score for clinical examinations. BMC Med Educ. 2020;20:167. (SCI).
  4. Lee FY, Yang YY*, Huang CC, Huang LJ, Chang CC, Liang JF, Huang SS, Lee WS, Lu DY, Chuang CL, Yang LY, Huang HC, Shulruf B, Chen CH, Kao SY. Sustained effects of training modules for leaders among clinical instructors for core competences promotion in Taiwan: a 4-year explanatory case study. BMC Med Educ. 2020; 20:155 (SCI).
  5. Wu SH, Yang YY*, Huang CC, Liu CW, Yang LY, Chen CH, Kao SY, Lee FY. Virtual reality simulation increases Chinese physicians' and lab technicians' familiarity and confidence regarding proper clinical wastes segregation/disposal: A 2-year pilot study. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning  2020;0:1–3. doi:10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000554.
  6. Wu SH, Huang CC, Huang SS, Yang YY *, Liu CW, Shulruf B, Chen CH. Effect of virtual reality training to decreases rates of needle stick/sharp injuries in new-coming medical and nursing interns in Taiwan. J Educ Eval Health Prof 2020;17:1.
  7. Huang SS, Huang CC, Yang YY*, Wang SJ, Shulruf B, Chen CH. Dreyfus scale-based feedback increases the medical student's satisfaction with the complex cluster part of the interviewing and physical examination course and skills' readiness in Taiwan. J Educ Eval Health Prof 2019;16:30.
  8. Yang YY*, Shulruf B. Expert-led and artificial intelligence (AI) system-assisted tutoring course increase confidence of Chinese medical interns on suturing and ligature skills: prospective pilot study. J Educ Eval Health Prof 2019;16 Apr:7.
  9. Shiao TH, Yang YY*, Wu CY, Yang LY, Hwang SJ, Huang CC, Liang JF, Kao SY, Lee FY. Creation of nurse-specific integrated inter-professional collaboration and team-efficiency (IIT) scenario/video improves trainees' attitudes and performances. J Chin Med Assoc 2019 Jul;82(7):546-553 (SCI).
  10. Su CJ, Pan SW, Huang LJ, Yang LY, Yang YY*, Hwang SJ, Chuang CL, Chang CC, Huang HC, Kao SY, Lee FY. Trios-OSCE-based simulation course enhances the sub-competency of Emergency-Stabilization for postgraduate year-1 residents. J Chin Med Assoc 2019; May;82(5):407-412 (SCI).
  11. Huang CC, Hsu HC, Yang LY, Chen CH, Yang YY*, Chang CC, Chuang CL, Lee WS, Lee FY, Hwang SJ. Peer-assisted learning model enhances clinical clerk's procedural skills. J Chin Med Assoc 2018;81(8):747-753 (SCI).
  12. Yang YY*, Wang SJ,* Yang LY, Lirng JF, Huang CC, Liang JF, Lee FY, Hwang SJ, Huang CC, Kirby Rh.. Parallel trainings intensify Chinese pre-clerk's history-taking and physical-examination skills and clerkship' preparedness: a prospective comparative study in primary health-care center and campus. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 25;7(9):e016294 (SCI).
  13. Yang LY, Yang YY*, Huang CC, Liang JF, Lee FY, Cheng HM, Huang CC, Kao SY. Simulation based inter-professional education to improve attitudes towards    collaborative practice: a prospective comparative pilot study in a Chinese medical center. BMJ Open. 2017;0:e015105 (SCI).
  14. Lee FY, Yang YY*, Hsu HC, Chuang CL, Lee WS, Chang CC, Huang CC, Chen JW, Cheng HM, Jap TS. Clinical instructors, perception of a faculty development program promoting postgraduate year-1 (PGY1) residents‘ ACGME six core competencies: a 2-year study. BMJ Open 2011; 1(2) (SCI).
  15. Yang LY, Huang CC, Hsu HC, Yang YY*, Chang CC, Chuang CL, Lee WS, Liang JF, Cheng HM, Huang CC, Lee FY, Ho ST, Kirby R. Voluntary attendance of small-group brainstorming tutoring courses intensify new clerk's "excellence in clinical care": a pilot study. BMC Med Educ. 2017;17(1):2 (SCI).
  16. Yang YY*, Yang LY, Hsu HC, Huang CC, Huang CC, Kirby R, Cheng HM, Chang CC, Chuang CL, Liang JF, Lin CC, Lee WS, Ho ST, Lee FY. A model of four hierarchical levels to train Chinese residents' teaching skills for "practice-based learning and improvement" competency. Postgrad Med. 2015;127(7):744-51(SCI).
  17. Huang CC, Huang CC, Yang YY, Lin SJ, Chen JW. The influence of gender on the communication skills assessment of medical students. Eur J Intern Med. 2015;26(9):670-4 (SCI).
  18. Jen-Feng Liang, Geeta Singhal , Ying-Ying Yang, Chen-Huan Chen*. Evaluating Residents-as-teachers Programs: Challenges and Lessons Learned. J Med Education 2021; 25: 115∼118 (personal view)
  19. Chang CC,  Huang HC,  Lee WS,  Chuang CL,  Huang LJ,  Lu DY,  Yang YY Hsu HC. Early clinical exposure improves medical students' recognition of the need for professionalism and inter-professional collaboration. J Chin Med Assoc 2021 Aug 1;84(8):778-782..
  20. Chen YC, Lin ML, Kao HY, Chou SY, Lin SC, Yao YC, Yang YY, Chiu HH. Augmented Reality (AR) Enhances the Effectiveness of Lung Expansion in Spinal Surgery Patients -Preliminary Study. International Journal of Studies in Nursing 2021;6(3);1-8.
  21. Chia-Chang Huang, Shiau-Shian Huang, Ying-Ying Yang*, Shou-Yen Kao. Effect of simulation-based blended training model on nurses’ treatment decision-related knowledge about oral cancer in Taiwan. J Educ Eval Health Prof 2021,18:10.
  22. Shih-Lin ChangMing-Jen KuoYenn-Jiang Lin , Shih-Ann Chen , Chung-Ting ChenYing-Ying Yang*, Ling-Yu YangShou-Yen Kao , Boaz Shulruf , Fa-Yauh Lee . Virtual reality-based preprocedural education increases preparedness and satisfaction of patients about the catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. J Chin Med Assoc 2021;84(7):690-697.


[*:corresponding author,累積73篇]

  1. Yang YY, …., Lin HC. Long-term cannabinoid type 2 receptor agonist therapy decreases Bacterial Translocation In Rats with cirrhosis and ascites. J Hepatol 2014;61(5):1004-13.
  2. Yang YY, …, Lin HC. Hepatic Endothelin-1 and Endocannabinoids-Dependent Effects of Hyperleptinaemia in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis-Cirrhotic Rats. Hepatology 2012; 55: 1540-50.
  3. Lin HC, Yang YY*, …., Lee FY, et al. The relationship between endotoxemia and hepatic endocannabinoids in cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension J Hepatol  2011;45:1145-53.
  4. Yang YY, Liu HQ, Nam SW, Kunos G, Lee SS. Mechanisms of TNFα-induced cardiac dysfunction in cholestatic bile duct-ligated mice: interaction between TNFα and endocannabinoids. J Hepatol  2010;53(2):298-306.
  5. Yang YY, Lin HC,…..Lee FY, Hou MC, Jap JS, Lee SD. Association of the G-protein and alpha-2 adrenergic receptor gene and plasma norepinephrine level with clonidine  improvement of effects of diuretics in cirrhotic patients with refractory ascites: a randomized clinical trial. Gut 2010;59:1545-53.
  6. Yang YY,… Hou MC, Lee FY, Lin HC, Lee SD. Effects of N-acetylcysteine administration in hepatic microcirculation of rats with biliary cirrhosis. J Hepatol  2008;49(1):25-33..
  7. Yang YY, Lin HC,…Hou MC, Lee FY, Chang FY, Lee SD. Inhibition of glucagon improves splanchnic hyporesponse to terlipressin in cirrhotic rats with blood retention in the gastric lumen. J Hepatol 2005;42:652-8. .
  8. Yang YY, Lin HC, ….., Hou MC, Lee FY, FY Chang, Lee SD. Effect of one-week losartan administration on bile duct-ligated cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension. J Hepatol 2002;36:600-6.
  9. Chou YT, Liu TT, Yang UC, Huang CC, Huang SF, Li TH, Liu HM, Lin MW, Yang YY*, Lee TY, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Intestinal SIRT1 deficiency-related intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis aggravate TNFa-mediated renal dysfunction in cirrhotic ascitic mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, (Jan, 22, accepted).
  10. Li TH, Chang YS, Liu CW, Su CF, Tsai HC, Tsao YP, Liao HT, Chen MH, Chuang CC, Yang YY, Tsai CY. The prevalence and risk factors of sarcopenia in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheu 2021;51(1): 236-245.
  11. Tsai YL, ….., Yang YY*, …. Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC*. Obeticholic acid ameliorates hepatorenal syndrome in ascitic cirrhotic rats by down-regulating the renal 8-iso-PGF2α-activated COX-TXA2 pathway. Clin Sci (Lond). 2020;134(15):2055-2073.
  12. Tsai HC, ….*Yang YY, …Huang YH, Hou MC and Lin HC*. Propranolol Suppresses the T-Helper Cell Depletion-Related Immune Dysfunction in Cirrhotic Mice. Cells 2020, 9(3), 604.
  13. Li TH, Yang YY*,…., Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC*. Elafibranor interrupts adipose dysfunction-mediated gut and liver injury in mice with alcoholic steatohepatitis. Clin Sci (Lond). 2019;133(3):531-544.
  14. Li TH, ….., Yang YY*, … Hou MC, Tsa CY, Lin HC*. Propranolol is Associated with Lower Risk of Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Alcoholic Cirrhosis: A Tertiary-Center Study and Indirect Comparison with Meta-Analysis. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2020; 2020: 1892584.
  15. Liu CW, ….*Yang YY, …Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC*. SIRT1-dependent Mechanisms and Effects of Resveratrol for Amelioration of Muscle Wasting in NASH Mice. BMJ open gastroenterol 2020;7:e000381.
  16. Huang SF,  Li SY,  Chan YJ,  Huang YC ,  Yang YY,  Wang FD. Diagnostic cut-off value for Aspergillus fumigatus- and flavus-specific IgG with clinical relevance in chronic pulmonary Aspergillus infection: A pilot study in Taiwan. Mycoses 2020;63(10):1083-1093.
  17. Tsai YL, Liu CW, Huang SF, Yang YY*, …Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC*. Urinary fatty acid and retinol binding protein-4 predict CKD progression in severe NAFLD patients with hypertension: 4-year study with clinical and experimental approaches. Medicine, 2020;99(2):e18626.
  18. Tsai HC, …., Yang YY*, …Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC*. Elafibranor Inhibits Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in NASH Mice. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:6740616.
  19. Huang SF, Yang YY, Chou KTFung CPWang FDSu WJ. Systemic proinflammation after Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was correlated to the gut microbiome in HIV-uninfected humans. Eur J Clin Invest. 2019:e13068.
  20. Lee KC, Hsu WF, Hsieh YC, Chan CC, Yang YY, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Dabigatran Reduces Liver Fibrosis in Thioacetamide-Injured Rats. Dig Dis Sci. 2019;64(1):102-112.
  21. Liu CW, Huang CC, ….Yang YY*, Fan WC, Hou MC, Lin HC * and Lee SD. Serum Adrenomedullin and Urinary Thromboxane B2 help Early Categorizing Acute kidney injury in De-compensated Cirrhotic Patients: a prospective cohort study. Hep Res 2018;48(3):E9-E21.
  22. Liu CW, …Huang SF, Yang YY*, Hou MC, Lin HC*, Lee FY, Lee SD. Effects and mechanisms of caffeine to improve immunologic and metabolic abnormalities in diet-Induced obese rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2018;314(5):E433-47.
  23. Su YB, …… Yang YY*, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Chronic calcitriol supplementation improves the inflammatory profiles of circulating monocytes and the associated intestinal/adipose tissue alteration in a diet-induced steatohepatitis rat model. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):e0194867.
  24. Tsai HC, ….Yang YY*,…Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Beneficial effects of the PPARα/γ agonist aleglitazar on progressive hepatic and splanchnic abnormalities in cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension. Am J Pathology 2018;188(7):1608-1624.
  25. Shiang-Fen Huang, Chia-Chang Huang, Kun-Ta Chou, Yu-Juin Chang, Ying-Ying Yang, Fu-Der Wang. Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis: The disease severity using image analysis and correlation to systemic proinflammation and predictors for clinical outcome. Journal of Fungi 2021 (4, Oct, 2021, accepted).
  26. Hsu CF, Huang CC, Liu TT, Yang UC, Liu CW, Huang SF, Yang YY*, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Deletion of intestinal SIRT1 exacerbated muscle wasting in cirrhotic mice by decreasing the intestinal concentration of short-chain fatty acids and inflammation. J Pharmacological Sciences Volume 147, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 376-385.
  27. Tsai-Ling Liao, Yi-Ming Chen, Shie-Liang Hsieh, Kuo-Tung Tang, Der-Yuan Chen, Ying-Ying Yang, Hung-Jen Liu, and Sheng-Shun Yang. Hepatitis C virus-induced exosomal microRNAs and TLR7 polymorphism regulate B-cell activating factor. mBio 2021 (6.784, accepted)
  28. Tzu-Hao Li, Chih-Wei Liu, Chia-Chang Huang, Yu-Lien Tsai, Shiang-Fen Huang, Ying-Ying Yang,*Chang-Youh Tsai, Ming-Chih Hou, and Han-Chieh Lin. Non-Selective Beta-Blockers Decrease Infection, Acute Kidney Injury Episodes, and Ameliorate Sarcopenic Changes in Patients with Cirrhosis: A Propensity-Score Matching Tertiary-Center Cohort Study. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10(11), 2244
  29. Chou YT, Liu TT, Yang UC, Liu WC, Huang CC, Huang SF, Li TH, Liu HM, Lin MW, Yang YY*, Lee TY, Huang YH, Hou MC, Lin HC. Intestinal SIRT1 deficiency-related intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis aggravate TNFa-mediated renal dysfunction in cirrhotic ascitic mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(3), 1233.
  1. 高擬真醫學模擬教育訓練教材影片及教學案例全集&超"急"救命術;高級心臟救命術,台北榮民總醫院2016年1月及2017年2月出版
  2. 跨領域團隊全人照護暨臨床推廣標竿分享集錦。百禾文化資訊有限公司2016年12月出版。
  3. 雲端科技跨領域高擬真模擬醫學多媒體教材,跨領域團隊全人照護暨臨床推廣標竿分享集錦,創新結合Diamond DAA與TRM回饋模式,的跨領域團隊合作醫學模擬教案集錦(中、英文版),XR系列教材 AI虛擬體驗XR氣切決策。百禾文化資訊有限公司2018年1&6月&2019年8月出版。並獲6項教學相關專利。



