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榮譽顧問 黃志賢


 黃志賢科主任(William J. Huang)

 學歷: 中國醫藥學院醫學系醫學士



E-MAIL  [email protected]






 國立陽明大學 醫學院 生理學研究所 教授








 美國哈佛醫學院 Macy scholar 2007


 男性學(Andrology)、男性不孕症(Male infertility)、

 生殖內分泌學(Reproductive Endocrinology)、

 一般泌尿科學(General urology)、

 醫學教育 (Medical education)、

 問題導向小組學習 (Problem-based learning)

  1. Tzu-Chun Wei , William J. Huang* , Alex T.L. Lin , Kuang-Kuo Chen .The role of hormones on semen parameters in patients with idiopathic orvaricocele-related oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) syndrome. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2013:76:11:624-628.
  2. Huang WJ* , Yang LY , Pu HF , Tsai YT , Wang PS . The effects of anti-TNF-α antibody on hyperprolactinemia-related suppression ofhCG-induced testosterone release in males rats. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012:9:1005-1014.
  3. Yang CW, Lin TP, Huang YH, Chung HJ, Kuo JY, Huang WJ, Wu HH, Chang YH, Lin AT, Chen KK. Does extended prostate needle biopsy improve the concordance of Gleason scores between biopsy and prostatectomy in the Taiwanese population? J Chin Med Assoc. 2012 Mar;75(3):97-101.
  4. Chen HC , Shen SH , Wang JH , Huang WJ , Tseng HS , Chang PY , Chang CY. Parallel Second Stent Placement for Refractory Ureteral Stent Malfunction in Malignant Ureteral Obstruction . Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. 2011:22:7:1012-1016.
  5. Hsiao FY , Huang WJ* , Chen KK . The exposure of urologists and the treatment for male factor infertility on the websites of ART centers in Taiwan. Journal of Andrology. 2011:32:2:155-158.
  6. Huang CC, Chan CY, Wu CL, Chen YL, Yang HW, Huang CC, Chen CH, Huang WJ, Lee FY, Lin SJ, Chen JW. Assessment of clinical competence of medical students using the objective structured clinical examination: first 2 years' experience in Taipei Veterans General Hospital. J Chin Med Assoc. 2010 Nov;73(11):589-95.
  7. Hsiao FY , Huang WJ* , Chen KK . The exposure of urologists and the treatment for male factor infertility on the websites of ART centers in Taiwan. Journal of Andrology. 2010;32(2).
  8. Cho YM , Pu HF , Huang WJ , Ho LT , Wang SW , Wang PS . Role of Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase-1 in Regulating Torsion-Induced Apoptosis in Rats. International Journal of Andrology. 2010 Aug.
  9. Lin YS, Chung HJ, Lin AT, Huang WJ, Huang YH, Lin TP, Chen KK. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: Taipei veterans general hospital experience. J Chin Med Assoc. 2010 Jul;73(7):364-8.
  10. Chen M, Huang YC , Yang S , Hsu JM , Chang YH , Huang WJ , Chen YM . Common variants at 8q24 are associated with prostate cancer risk in Taiwanese men. Prostate.2010;70(5):502-7.
  11. Chen SS, Huang WJ. Experience of varicocele management during ipsilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy: A prospective study. J Chin Med Assoc. 2010 May;73(5):248-51. (Corresponding author)
  12. Chen SS, Huang WJ. Differences in biochemical markers and body mass index between patients with and without varicocele. J Chin Med Assoc. 2010 Apr;73(4):194-8. (Corresponding author) 
  1. Chen M, Huang YC, Yang S, Hsu JM, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Chen YM. Common variants at 8q24 are associated with prostate cancer risk in Taiwanese men. Postate. 2010 Apr 1;70(5):502-7.
  2. Lin CC, Huang WJ, Chen KK. Measurement of Testicular Volume in Smaller Testes: How Accurate Is the Conventional Orchidometer? J Androl. 2009 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print] (Corresponding author)
  3. Chen M, Huang YC, Ko IL, Yang S, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Chen YM. The rs1447295 at 8q24 is a risk variant for prostate cancer in Taiwanese men. Urology. 2009 Sep;74(3):698-701. Epub 2009 May 9
  4. Ho MJ, Gaufberg E, Huang WJ. Problem-based learning: hidden curricular messages and cultural competence. Med Educ 2008, 42:1122-1123.
  5. Huang WJ, Lin YW, Hsiao KN, Eilber KS, Salido EC, Yen PH. Restricted expression of the human DAZ protein in premeiotic germ cells. Hum Reprod. 2008 Jun;23(6):1280-9.
  6. Chen SS, Huang WJ, Chang LS, Wei YH. Attenuation of oxidative stress after varicocelectomy in subfertile patients with varicocele. J Urol. 2008 Feb;179(2):639-42.
  7. Huang WJ and Yen PH. Genetics of Spermatogenic Failure. Sex Dev 2008, 2:251-9.
  8. Tsai HW, Huang WJ, Chen CY, Chiang MM, Chao KC, Chen SH, Hung JH, Chen YJ.: Two and Three-dimensional Trans-vaginal Doppler Ultrasound Analysis of Urethral Clear Cell Carcinoma. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2007 Jun;29(6):713-6. (SCI:2.4)
  9. Huang YC, Chen M, Lin MW, Chung MY, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Wu TT, Hsu JM, Yang S, Chen YM.CYP19 TCT tri-nucleotide Del/Del genotype is a susceptibility marker for prostate cancer in a Taiwanese  population.Urology. 2007 May;69(5):996-1000
  10. Huang YC, Lee CM, Chen M, Chung MY, Chang YH, Huang WJS, Ho DMT, Pan CC, Wu TT, Yang S, Lin MW, Hsieh JT, and Chen YM. Haplotypes, Loss of Heterozygosity and Expression Levels of Glycine N-methyltransferase in  Prostate Cancer. Clin Cancer Res, 2007 Mar 1;13(5):1412-20. (SCI, 15/123, IF: 5.715)
  11. Lin YW, Hsu LCL, Kuo PL, Huang WJ, Chiang HS, Yeh SD, Hsu TY, Yu YH, Hsiao KN, Yen PH: Partial duplication at AZFc on the Y chromosome is a risk factor for impaired spermatogenesis in Han Chinese in Taiwan. Human Mutation, 2007 in press. (IF 7.92)
  12. Chang YL,Lin AT,Chen KK,Chang YH,Wu HH,Kuo JY,Huang WJ,Lu SH,Hsu YS,Chung HJ,Chang SC.:Correlation between serum prostate specific antigen and prostate volume in Taiwanese men with biopsy proven benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urol. 2006 Jul;176(1):196-9.
  13. Lin YH, Huang WJ*, Chen KK.:Using stainless steel chopstick for self-performing urethral sounding in preventing recurrence of anterior urethral stricture. J Chin Med Assoc. 2006 Apr;69(4):189-92.
  14. Ng YY, Shen SH, Huang WJ.:Chronic pyonephrosis with polycystic change.Nephrology (Carlton). 2005 Aug;10(4):422-3.
  1. LinTP, Pan CC, Huang WJ*, Murphy GF. Primary sweat gland carcinosarcoma of the scrotal skin. J Cutan Pathol 2004, Nov;31(10):678-82.
  2. Kan SF, Huang WJ, Lin LC, Wang PS*. Inhibitory effects of evodiamine on the growth of human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Int J Cancer 2004;110:641-51.
  3. Lin TP, Huang WJ*, Chen KK. Differentiation of benign prostate hyperplasia from prostate cancer using prostatic specific antigen dynamic profile after transrectal prostate biopsy. J Urol 2004;171:2226-9.
  4. Lin YM, Huang WJ, Lin JSN, Kuo PL*. Progressive depletion of germ cells in a man with non-mosaic Klinefelter’s syndrome: optimal time for sperm recovery. Urology 2004,63:380-1.
  5. Sheu JY, Chung HJ, Chen KK, Lin AT, Chang YH, Wu HH, Huang WJ, Hsu YS, Kuo JY, Chang LS. Lymphangioma of male exogenital organs. J Chin Med Assoc. 2004;67:204-6.
  6. Tung MT, Huang WJ*, Chen KK. Experiences of techiniques of a modifined subinguinal varicocelectomy for painful varicocele and varicocele-associated infertility. J Chin Med Assc 2004,67:296-300.
  7. Hsu YS, Huang WJ*, Kuo JY, Chung HJ, Chen KK, Chang LS. Experience of surgical treatment of Peyronie’s disease with deep dorsal venous patch graft in Taiwanese men. J Chin Med Assc 2003,66: 487-491.
  8. Huang WJ, Yeh JY, Kan SF, Chang LS, Wang PS. Role of testicular interstitial macrophages in regulating testosterone release in hyperprolactinemia. J Cell Biochem 2003, 88(4):766-773.
  9. Yang LY, Huang WJ, Hsieh HG, Lin CY. H1-A extracted from Cordyceps Sinensis suppresses the proliferation of heman mesangial cells and promotes apoptosis, probably by inhibiting the tyrosine-phosphorylation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL. J Lab Clin Med, 2003, 141(1):74-83.
  10. Yeh JY, Huang WJ, Kan SF, Wang PS. Inhibitory effects of bufalin and cinobufagin on the proliferation of androgen dependent and independent prostate cancer cells. Prostate 2003;54(2):112-124.
  11. Yang MH, Chen KK, Yen CC, Wang WS, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Fan FS, Chiou TJ, Liu JH, Chen PM H: Unusually high incidence of upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma in Taiwan. Urology 2002; 59:681-687.
  12. Yang MH, Yen CC, Chen PM, Wang WS, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Fan FS, Chiou TJ, Liu JH, Chen KKH: Prognostic-factors-based risk-stratification model for invasive urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder in Taiwan. Urology 2002; 59:232-239
  13. Huang WJ: RE: Third year medical student attitudes toward learning urology. J Urol 2001; 166(3): 1011.
  14. Yeh JY, Huang WJ, Kan SF, Wang PS: Inhibitory Effects of Digitalis on the Proliferation of Androgen-Dependent and Independent Prostate Cancer Cells. J Urol 2001; 166(5): 1937-1942.
  15. Huang WJ, Yeh JY, Kan SF, Chang LS, Wang PS: Effects of hyperprolactinemia on testosterone production in rat Leydig cells. J Cell Biochem 2001; 80(3): 313-320.
  1. Yang MH, Yen CC, Chnag YH, Hsieh RK, Liu JH, Chiou TJ, Fan FS, Lin ATL, Huang WJS, Wang WS, Chen KK, Chen PM: Single agent paclitaxel as a first-line therapy in advanced urothelial carcinoma: its efficacy and safety in patients even with pretreatment renal insufficiency. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2000; 30(12): 547-552
  2. Huang WJ, Yeh JY, Tsai SC, Lin H, Chiao YC, Chen JJ, Lu CC, Hwang SW, Wang SW, Chang LS, Wang PS: Regulation of testosterone secretion by prolactin in male rats. J Cell Biochem 1999; 74(1): 111-118.
  3. Yang LY, Huang WJ, Chen WP, Fu LW, Lin CY: Does parenteral oestrogen therapy flare up disease activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus complicated by haemorrhagic cystitis? Rheumatology (Oxford) 1999; 38(4): 372-3.
  4. Chang LL, Lo MJ, Kan SF, Huang WJ, Chen JJ, Kau MM, Wang JL, Lin H, Tsai SC, Chiao YC, Yeh JY, Wun WS, Wang PS: Direct effects of prolactin on corticosterone release by zona fasciculata-reticularis cells from male rats. J Cell Biochem 1999; 73(6): 563-572.
  5. Huang WJ, Lamb DJ, Kim ED, de Lara J, Lin WW, Lipshultz LI, Bischoff FZ: Germ-cell nondisjunction in testis biopsies of men with idiopathic infertility. Am J Hum Genet 1999; 64(6): 1638-45.
  6. Lu CC, Tsai SC, Huang WJS, Tsai CL, Wang PS: Effects of hyperprolactinemia on calcitonin secretion in male rats. Metabolism 1999; 48(2): 221-6.
  7. Kuo JY, Huang WJ, Chiu AW, Chen KK, Chang LS: Clinical experiences of germ cell tumor in cryptorchid testis. Kao Hsiung I Hsueh Lo Hsueh Tsa Chih 1999; 15:32-7.
  8. Lin H, Wang SW, Tsai SC, Chen JJ, Chiao YC, Lu CC, Huang WJ, Wang GJ, Chen CF, Wang PS: Inhibitory effect of digoxin on testosterone secretion through mechanisms involving decreases of cyclic AMP production and cytochrome P450scc activity in rat testicular interstitial cells. Br J Phramacol 1998; 125: 1635-1640.
  9. Lu CC, Tsai SC, Wang SW, Huang WJS, Wang PS: Age-related differences in the secretion of calcitonin in female rats. Am J Physiol 1998; 275:E735-739.
  10. Chung HJ, Chiu AW, Chen KK, Huang WJ, Hsu YS, Chang LS: Alterations in pulmonary function after retroperitoneoscopic surgery. Br J Urol 1996; 78:821-825.
  11. Chiu AW, Huang WJ, Chen KK, Chang LS: Laparoscopic ligation of bilateral spermatic varices under epidural anesthesia. Urol Intern 1996; 57:80-84.
  12. Chung HJ, Chiu AW, Chen KK, Huang WJS, Wang BF, Hsu YS, Chang LS: Retroperitoneoscopy-assisted nephroureterectomy for the management of upper urinary urothelial cancer. Min Invas Ther & Allied Technol 1996; 5:266-271
  13. Chiu AW, Chen KK, Wang JH, Huang WJ, Chang LS: Direct needle insufflation for pneumoretroperitoneum: anatomic confirmation and clinical experience. Urology 1995; 46:432-437.
  1. Liou HH, Tsai SC, Chen WJ, Huang TP, Huang WJ, Chen KK: The association of aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Am J Kid Dis 1994; 23: 739-742.

Publications (domestic)

  1. Lin CC, Huang WJ, Wu LJ, Chang YH, Lin AT, Chen KK. Diagnosis of prostate cancer: repeated transrectal prostate biopsy or transurethral resection. J Chin Med Assoc. 2008;71:448-54.
  2. Fan YH, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Chung HJ, Chen KK. Renal oncocytoma: clinical experience of taipei veterans general hospital. J Chin Med Assoc. 2008 May;71(5):254-8.
  3. Lin YH, Chung HJ, Lin AT, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Hsu YS, Chang SC, Chen KK. Complications of pure transperitoneal laparoscopic surgery in urology: the Taipei Veterans General Hospital experience.J Chin Med Assoc. 2007 Nov;70(11):481-5.
  4. Huang WJ. ATP and spinal cord injury-related neurogenic bladder.J Chin Med Assoc. 2007 Oct;70(10):433-4.
  5. Huang WJ, Huang WJS*, Chen KK. Big inverted papilloma of urinary bladder with check-valve mechasm to the bladder outlet. JTUA 2005, 16:13-15.
  6. Lin CC, Hsu YS, Chen KK, Lin ATL, Chang YH, Huang WJ, Kuo JY, Chang LS. Assessment of the analgesic effect of meperidine in patients receiving extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. JTUA 2004; 15:14-18.
  7. Chen KL, Kuo JY, Chen KK, Lin AT, Chang YH, Wu HH, Huang WJ, Lu SH, Lai CR, Chang LS:Clinical experiences of primary urothelial squamous cell carcinoma. J Urol ROC1999; 10:14-18.
  8. Chou CL, Chiu AW, Wang BF, Huang WJ, Chen KK, Chang LS: Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for benign nonfunctioning kidney. J Urol ROC 1996; 7:117-123.
  9. Huang WJ, Chiu AW, Chen MT, Chang LS:Preliminary experience in laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection. J Urol ROC1992; 3:910-915.


