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Medical Specialties

Acupuncture for Cardiovascular disease

For patients who survive from stroke, acute myocardial infraction, spinal cord injury or tramatic brain injury, there have lot of side effects and symdroms such like seizure, pneumonia, high tension of body and son on. Our department  provied acupuncture therapy for cardiovasucular diease. 

Accoding to researchs, traditional Chinese medcine therapy (acupuncture,acupoint massage, Chinese herbal medicine) can reduced the long term death rate, stroke recurrent rate, seizure incidence rate and pneumonia incidence rate. By using traditional Chinese medcine therapy, the patients can have a better life quality.    

A spinal cord injury patient revevied rehabilitation combine acupuncture therapy  after operation for about 3 months. His ASIA score improve from ASIA A to ASIS D. The senory of lower limbs also recovered.
Now he can walked by his own.



Western medicine therapy combine Traditional Chinese medicine for Cancer treatment

According to researchs, western medicine therapy  combine Traditional Chinese medicine therapy can improve the survival rate in advanced breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and oral cancer.

In our department, patients with cancer will be treated with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture therapy, cupping or moxibustion therapy.


  We also have many kinds of herbal cuisine suit for different person.




Sjögren's syndrome

Dr.Yen-Ying Kung and Dr.Ching-Mao Chang are proficient in autoimmune disease such as SLE(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus),RA(rheumatoid arthritis),MS(Multiple Sclerosis) and SJS(Sjögren's syndrome).

By using Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), we use  big data analysis to find out the core Chinese herbal medicine formula for Sjögren's syndrome therapy. Those Chinese herbal medicine formulas which have antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammation effect.  Taking Chinese herbal medicine can help to reduced dry eye and dry month symdromes thus to improve life quality.



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