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Chin-Yu Lin, M.D.

Chin-Min Liu, M.D.
  • Institute of clinical medicine,  National Yang Ming  University

  • Medical Department of National Taiwan University
Current Positions​:
  • Attending Physician Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  • Associate  Professor of medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung  University


  • Resident training in internal medicine in Taipei Veterans General Hospital 
  • Chief recident in Taipei Veterans General Hospital ; Attending physiciam, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Yuan-Chan Branch
Specialist Certificate:
  • License of physician, Taiwan
  • License of Cardiology, Taiwan    
  • Cardiovascular Intervention 
  • Electrophysiology, pacing, and ablation
Medical Expertise​:
  • Coronary arterial disease;
  • Vascular intervension;
  • Catheter ablation;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Fatal arrhythmia; 
Important Publication:
  1. Lin CY, Te ALD, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Chung FP, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Chang TY, Yamada S, Van Ba V, Salim S, Vicera JJB, Huang TC, Wu CI, Liu CM, Chen SA. High-resolution mapping of pulmonary vein potentials improved the successful pulmonary vein isolation using small electrodes and inter-electrode spacing catheter. Int J Cardiol. 2018 ;272:90-96.
  2. Chung FP, Lin CY,Co-Equal First Author), Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Chang TY, Tan VH, Kuo L, Wu CI, Liu CM, Vicera JJB, Chen CC, Chin CG, Liu SH, Cheng WH, Chou CY, Lugtu IC, Liu CH, Chen SA. Application of Noninvasive Signal-averaged Electrocardiogram Analysis in Predicting the Requirement of Epicardial Ablation in Patients with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Heart Rhythm. 2020;(4):584-591.
  3. Chung FP, Lin CY(Co-Equal First Author), Shirai Y, Futyma P, Santangeli P, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Chang HY, Marchlinski FE, Chen SA. Outcomes of Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmia Originating from the Left Ventricular Summit: A Multicenter Study. Heart Rhythm. 2020;(7):1077-1083.
  4. Lin CY, Chung FP, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Chang TY, Kuo L, Wu CI, Liu CM, Liu SH, Cheng WH, Lugtu IC, Te ALD, Huang TC, Lee PT, Vicera JJB, Chen SA. Clinical significance of J waves with respect to substrate characteristics and ablation outcomes in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Europace. 2021;(9):1418-1427.
  5. ​​Lin CY, Lin YJ, Lo MT, Chiang CH, Chen YY, Kuo L, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Chao TF, Chung FP, Liao JN, Chang TY, Lin C, Tuan TC, Wu CI, Liu CM, Liu SH, Cheng WH, Lugtu IC, Jain A, Ton AN, Hermanto DY, Chen SA. Efficacy of Patient-Specific Strategy: Catheter Ablation Strategy of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Based on Morphological Repetitiveness by Periodicity and Similarity. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021; (5):e009719.


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