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Department Introduction

Former Department Heads

Stomatology Department

The number of beds: 22

Number of dental chairs: 113

The department contains 5 divisions:

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Family Dentistry, Endodontics & Periodontics, Pedodontics & Orthodontics, and Restorative Dentistry

The Dentistry Division was one division of Surgery Department at the time of establishment of Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 1959. It became independent as Dentistry Department in 1989 and evolved into Stomatology Department in 2007.

The missions of our department are to provide the highest quality of dental care and to train professional dentists who are willing to dedicate to education and research besides clinical services. Over the past years, we have made great achievements in the innovation of oral medicine. Our department develops various advanced technologies for the dental, oral and maxillofacial tissue reconstruction. In addition, we incorporate digital technology into the traditional dental procedures which facilitates dental treatments and proposes new ways to meet patient demands efficiently. The fully set up of digital equipment for designing and milling prosthetic restorations allows our clinic to provide dental restorations to patients in a single day. Further, computer-assisted virtual planning and surgical template fabrication offers minimally invasive implant therapy for the patients. Recently, the self-designed customized orthodontic therapy by using digital tooth setup and clear aligners provides patents a comfortable and esthetic orthodontic treatment. Besides offering outpatient services, we have a top-in-class quality of teamwork for the management of head & neck cancer patients. Our expertise on the use of microscopic-assisted surgery and computer-assisted navigation in maxillofacial reconstruction for the cancer patients achieved a favorable survival rate and clinical outcomes. With these outstanding performance in clinical innovation, we won the first and third place prizes in yearly Innovation Awards granted by the hospital in 2018 and 2019, respectively; and also won the first place prize in Great Achievement Award of Innovative Medical Techniques and Services at the 60th Anniversary of Taipei Veterans General Hospital In 2019.

Although the clinical work is very demanding, we never forget the importance of teaching and research. We focus on the balanced triad of development in clinical healthcare services, education and research. We provide solid training for pre-doctoral and post-graduate students through didactic lectures, e-learning modules and numerous diversity training activities. With long-term collaboration with National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, we execute a broad spectrum of basic and clinical researches and publish a number of papers in the world's leading scientific journals each year. Lately, to broaden the scope of research, integration projects through the multi-specialty cooperation have been conducted on the subjects of tissue engineering, stem cell study, 3D printing and digital medicine.

Aside from providing high quality of health care services to veterans and the general public, we also maintain close interaction with world medical centers, striding for becoming a first class international oral medicine center.


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