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內科部胃腸科  李沛璋總醫師


臺北榮民總醫院內科部胃腸科李沛璋總醫師,於2014/11/07至2014/11/11期間赴美國波士頓參加美國肝病研究學會(AASLD)所舉辦的國際肝病年會,並於該年會期間參加Post Graduate Course有關肝臟疾病與免疫反應的課程,口頭發表本團隊近期的一篇研究結果,以及在年會演講中吸收新知,並和其他論文壁報的作者互相討論交流。

本次口頭發表的研究主要在探討:抗血小板藥物對於B型肝炎相關的肝癌,在手術切除後的存活率及復發狀況的相關性。藉由分析台灣健保資料庫最近十年來的資料,並在多方控制、校正以減少各種偏差後,本研究發現:B型肝炎相關肝癌的病患,若使用抗血小板藥物(aspirin和clopidogrel) 則與手術後較佳的非復發存活率和整體存活率有關。筆者在大會報告後,依照各專家學者的提問建議修正本研究論文,並將此研究成果投稿到胃腸科肝癌領域的雜誌。


關鍵字:B型肝炎,肝癌,抗血小板藥物,阿斯匹靈 aspirin,保栓通clopidogrel。




    美國肝病研究學會(AASLD, American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases)是位居國際領導地位的學會,其定期舉辦的肝臟年會,匯聚來自世界各地的專家學者,會中除了發表並交流最新的研究成果外,更時常為肝臟相關疾病制定最新的治療指引。承蒙胃腸科林漢傑主任、蘇建維醫師以及血液科劉嘉仁醫師的教導,我們的研究摘要有幸被本次主辦單位接受,並獲邀在今年的國際肝臟年會中進行口頭發表;於此,除了分享我們的研究成果外,更希望藉由這次出席國際會議的機會,與來自世界各地的專家學者交流、學習,同時參加大會特別舉辦的Post-Graduate Course吸收新知,以期在臨床及研究方面都能更加提升和成長。



  本次出席國際肝臟年會,個人設定了四項主要欲達成之目標,分別是:參加Post Graduate Course學習與肝臟疾病有關的發炎及免疫反應、口頭發表我們的研究結果、在年會的各演講中吸收各專門領域最新的知識,以及閱讀自己比較有興趣或是和我們目前研究較相關的論文壁報,並與作者交流、討論。

  Post-Graduate Course

  AASLD每次年會的開端皆會舉辦為期一至兩日的特別進修課程,針對與肝臟相關的主題,廣邀世界各地的學者進行演講及討論。本次Post-Graduate Course的主題為Clinical Implications of Inflammation and Immunity in Acute and Chronic Liver Disease,在這些課程中,除了闡述發炎反應及免疫機制在各種不同的肝臟疾病中所扮演的角色外,更針對各種急慢性肝臟疾病可能的免疫治療進行辯證及討論。而其中,除了對病毒性肝炎的最新進展討論熱烈之外,非酒精性脂肪鬱積型肝炎在免疫上的機轉,以及腸、肝系統與微生物之間的互動更是課程中的亮點,令人眼睛一亮、獲益良多。























Antiplatelet Therapy Associated with Better Prognosis in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Liver Resection.

Pei-Chang Lee,1 Chiu-Mei Yeh,2 Yu-Wen Hu,3,4,5 Chun-Chia Chen,1,3 Chia-Jen Liu,3,5,6,* Chien-Wei Su,1,3,* Teh-Ia Huo,1,7 Yi-Hsiang Huang,1,8 Yee-Chao,3,9 Tzeng-Ji Chen,2,10 Han-Chieh Lin,1,3 Jaw-Ching Wu8,11

1Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

2Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

3Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

4Cancer Center, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; 5Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

6Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

7Institute of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

8Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

9Division of Chemoradiotherapy, Department of Oncology Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

10Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

11Translational Research Division, Medical Research Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan.



Chien-Wei Su, MD & PhD.

Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chia-Jen Liu, MD

Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.



Background & Aims: Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is common after surgical resection. Anti-platelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel was recently revealed to prevent hepatic carcinogenesis. This population-based study aims to investigate the association between anti-platelet therapy and the outcomes in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related HCC after liver resection.

Methods: By analyzing data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, we identified 9,461 HBV-related HCC patients who had undergone liver resection between January 1997 and December 2011. After one-to-four matching by sex, age and propensity score, 2,210 patients were enrolled for analyses. The Kaplan-Meier method and modified Cox proportional hazards models were employed for survival and multivariable, stratified analyses.

Results: The post-operative recurrence-free survival and overall survival after one, five, and 10 years of observation was significantly better in the treated cohort than the untreated cohort (= 0.021 and <0.001, respectively). Besides, anti-platelet therapy reduced the risk of HCC recurrence or death (HR, 0.73; p <0.001), and overall mortality (HR, 0.57; p <0.001) in the multivariable analysis. However, anti-platelet use would significantly increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (odds ratio, 1.91; p <0.001).

Conclusions: Use of aspirin and clopidogrel was associated with a better recurrence-free survival and overall survival among patients with HBV-related HCC after liver resection; however, they should be used with caution for the adverse effects of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

