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Partners - Community Healthcare Groups

Partners - Community Healthcare Groups

Partners - Community Healthcare Groups

Taipei Veteran’s General Hospital joined the Northern District Community Healthcare Groups program in April 2011. There are total of 5 groups including, Shilin, Beitou, Louzou, Shipai and Zuoan. The program is run by Dr Der-Ren Ho of the Peitou Culture Foundation. 

Due to an overflowing of patients presenting to hospitals which resulted hospital extreme crowding and overwhelmed medical providers during the SARS outbreak in 2003, the Government recognized the important role that primary medical care plays in the health care system, and initiated the National Health Insurance Family Doctors Integrated Care Program. 

The so-called Community-Based Health Care Provider Groups refers to a group of five to ten primary health care physicians, at least half of them are either doctors of family medicine, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, or pediatrics, who cooperates with a local hospital to provide long-term primary, secondary and tertiary health cares. This is to implement the policy of “visit clinics for minor conditions; serious illness are managed at the hospital”, and enhancing and improving the quality of patient care. By doing so, integrated patient-centered medical care can be provided efficiently. 

Related Links

Northern Taipei Community Healthcare Group Blog: (in Chinese)

NIB Health City:

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