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General Outpatient Health Check

General health examinations include school entrance medical examination, study overseas health examination, etc. These check-ups are provided routinely at our Physical Check-up Clinic.

[Note] These health exams can be offered to people with or without Taiwan National Health Insurance card.

Required documents

  • If your company or school requires a health examination, please bring the following document/information to our clinic for receiving the examination.
  1. Health examination form (in print, if designated). Please fill out your personal information in advance.
  2. The list of required tests/items (in print or in mobile devices)
  3. ID photo (if required according to the form)
  4. Record of vaccinations (if vaccination history is required in the form)
  5. Medical records or certificates of major medical conditions (e.g. maternal health handbook, operation note or discharge summary)
  • If certain vaccinations are required, please plan in advance and allow sufficient time for receiving the shots. Check our vaccination services for more information.

Any concerns, please call 0938 592 697 during office hours (8:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00, weekdays, except public holidays).

Make an Appointment

  • Online booking
       Click here to make an appointment   
    Click "Register for Return Visit" if you have ever visited TVGH;  click "Register for First Visit" if you have never visited TVGH). Then click on "Physical Check-up Clinic".
  • Telephone: (02)2871-2151, or
  • APP: 臺北榮總行動就醫服務 (only Mandarin Chinese version is available at present)


Room1305, 3F, First Outpatient Department Building
   Click here for the Hospital Map   


8:30-12:00, 13:30-17:00, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

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