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Post-marital or Preconception Health Check

Post-marital or Preconception Health Check is offered by the Taipei City. At our Physical Check-up Clinic, this health exam is routinely provided. 

Applicable population

  • For couples who have not had their first child and one spouse is a resident of Taipei City, or new immigrants whose spouse is a resident of Taipei City, then both spouses can receive this health check.

Required documents

  • Original and photocopy of Taiwan ID card (front and back) of both spouses.

Contents of the health check

  • Both gender: personal health history, family medical history, physical examination, urine test, routine blood test (including screening for thalassemia), syphilis and HIV screening. 
  • Women: rubella antibody, varicella antibody, toxoplasmosis antibody test
  • Men: semen analysis


  • Each person is eligible for this subsidized check up once per marriage.

  • This health exam can be taken by one sponse only. For semen analysis, please abstain from sex for the previous three days.


The cost is partially subsidized by Taipei City. Taipei City residents need to pay for registration and consultation fees, which is cost about NTD 582 per person.

Report collection time

It takes about 10 working days to receive the report.

Contact number

0938-592697 (please inquire during office hours from 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00).

Make an Appointment

  • Online booking
       Click here to make an appointment   
    Click "Register for Return Visit" if you have ever visited TVGH;  click "Register for First Visit" if you have never visited TVGH). Then click on "Physical Check-up Clinic".
  • Telephone: (02)2871-2151, or
  • APP: 臺北榮總行動就醫服務 (only Mandarin Chinese version is available at present)


Room1305, 3F, First Outpatient Department Building
   Click here for the Hospital Map   


8:30-12:00, 13:30-17:00, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

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