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Health Examination

Health Examinations (Health Checkups) Overview

Service Items

The Department of Family Medicine at Taipei Veterans General Hospital is committed to providing reliable and credible medical examination services, including self-paid examinations or government-funded examinations, including but not limited to:

  1. General Outpatient Health Check: Suitable for individuals of all ages.
  2. HPA MoHW Adult Health Check: Provides a basic health check for adults aged 45 and above every 3 years, and an annual health check for those aged 65 and above. Fully funded by the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) of Ministry of Health and Welfare (MoHW) for eligible people.
  3. Taipei City Elderly Health Check: Tailored to the specific health needs of the elderly population. Fully funded by Taipei City Government for eligible people.
  4. Taipei City Post-marital or Preconception Health Check: Provides comprehensive assessments of reproductive health for those planning to start a family. Partially funded by Taipei City Government for eligible people.
  5. Labor Health Examination: According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are required to offer workers pre-employment (also known as pre-placement, or new employment) and periodic health checkups.

    5.1. General labor health examination: Health check for general workers who are not exposed to special health hazards in their work.

    5.2. Special Labor Health Examination: Specifically designed for special workers who engage in hazardous or physically demanding occupations.
  6. TVGH Employee Health Examination:

    6.1. General labor health examination

    6.2. Special Labor Health Examination


  • Our hospital currently does not provide services for driving license examination, foreign labor examination, naturalization (foreign spouse, residency permit) examination, tuberculosis blood test/skin test examination, etc.
  • If you need to arrange self-paid advanced health examinations, please contact the Health Management Center on the 15th floor of the Zhongzheng building of our hospital. (Tel: 02-28757225, Website:

Make an Appointment

  • Online booking
    Click here to make an appointment 
    Click "Register for Return Visit" if you have ever visited TVGH;  click "Register for First Visit" if you have never visited TVGH). Then click on "Physical Check-up Clinic".
  • Telephone: (02)2871-2151, or
  • APP: 臺北榮總行動就醫服務 (only Mandarin Chinese version is available at present)


Room1305, 3F, First Outpatient Department Building
   Click here for the Hospital Map   


8:30-12:00, 13:30-17:00, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Contact Number

0938 592 697 (during office hours as stated above)


The labor examination reports provided by our hospital follow the regulations of the government's labor health protection rules and comply with the inspection standards of various agencies' labor occupational safety and health. Besides, if you need to copy the examination report to your custom form, an additional examination copy fee will be charged.

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