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Jan. 1985- Family Medicine was founded as a division of Taipei Veterans General Hospital.

Jun. 1989- The Department of Family Medicine at Taipei Veterans General Hospital was established, including Division of Hospice Palliative Care and Division of Community Medicine

Oct. 2007- Division of Geriatrics Medicine was established.

Nov. 2013- Reorganized our service unit to:

  • Division of Hospice Palliative Care
  • Division of Community Medicine
  • Division of Family Medicine



Dr. Shih-Tzu Tsai (Founder, Jan. 1985 - Jul. 2000)

Prof. Shinn-Jang Hwang (Jul. 2000 - Jul. 2003)

Prof. Tzen-Wen Chen (Jul. 2003 - Sep. 2004)

Prof. Shinn-Jang Hwang (Sep. 2004 - Jan. 2015)

Prof. Tzeng-Ji Chen (Mar. 2015 - Mar. 2022)

Prof. Ming-Hwai Lin (Mar. 2022 - )


Our specialties:

  • Comprehensive, coordinated and continuous care of adults and the elderly
  • Preventive care including information on diet, exercise and lifestyle
  • Behavioral health and counseling
  • Quit smoking services
  • Health screenings, including the adult physical check-up and annual physical examinations of the elderly
  • Physical exams, including labor physical checkup
  • Pre-marriage and preconception counseling
  • Adult immunizations
  • Home healthcare services
  • Palliative care
  • Family Medicine Research and Education

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