各位同仁 昨天(2016年11月20日)本部又有一篇安寧療護論文正式發表(如附件) 第一作者為主治醫師張曉婷大夫 內容係統計分析近十五年北榮DNR簽署與安寧病房利用的趨勢 年底將屆 全球大出版社紛紛開始印行明年的論文 北榮家醫部安寧緩和醫學科 今年在論文發表上 可算是豐收的一年 在林明慧主任的領導下 總共有六篇SCI論文發表 其中四篇的第一作者為張曉婷大夫 張大夫今年共執筆發表六篇SCI論文 也在今年8月升任助理教授與取得博士學位 北榮大德病房明年將屆二十週年 累積眾多臨床素材 大家一定會有更多的研究發表 共勉之 陳曾基 敬上 PS: 六篇安寧療護論文 1. Chang HT, Lin MH, Chen CK, Hwang SJ, Hwang IH, Chen YC. Hospice palliative care article publications: an analysis of the Web of Science database from 1993 to 2013. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2016;79:29. [PMID: 26341454] [SCI] 2. Wang JP, Wu CY, Hwang IH, Kao CH, Hung YP, Hwang SJ, Li CP. How different is the care of terminal pancreatic cancer patients in inpatient palliative care units and acute hospital wards? A nationwide population-based study. BMC Palliative Care 2016;15:1. [PMID: 26746232] [SCI] 3. Cheng SY, Lin WY, Cheng YH, Huang CH, Chen CY, Hwang SJ, Tsai ST, Chiu TY. Cancer patient autonomy and quality of dying-a prospective nationwide survey in Taiwan. Psychooncology 2016;25:179-186. [PMID: 26179714] [SCI] [SSCI] 4. Chang HT, Chen CK, Lin MH, Chou P, Chen TJ, Hwang SJ. Readmissions in cancer patients after receiving inpatient palliative care in Taiwan: a 9-year nationwide population-based cohort study. Medicine 2016;95:e2782. [PMID: 26937907] [SCI] 5. Chang HT, Lin MH, Chen CK, Chen TJ, Tsai SL, Cheng SY, Chiu TY, Tsai ST, Hwang SJ. Medical care utilization and costs on end-of-life cancer patients: the role of hospice care. Medicine 2016;95:e5216. [PMID: 27858865] [SCI] 6. Chang HT, Lin MH, Chen CK, Chou P, Chen TJ, Hwang SJ. Trends of Do-Not-Resuscitate consent and hospice care utilization among noncancer decedents in a tertiary hospital in Taiwan between 2010 and 2014: a hospital-based observational study. Medicine 2016;95:e5394. [PMID: 27861375] [SCI]