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COVID-19 Vaccine or Booster Appointments

Only available for people with a Taiwan Health Insurance ID Card or a residence permit.

Opening hours: 8:30-12:00 (check-in before 11:30), 13:30-17:00 (check-in before 16:30), weekdays (except public holidays)

Location: Family Medicine Clinic, 3rd floor, First Outpatient Building, TVGH. 

                    Click here for the Hospital Map   

Make an appointment: online registration only.

                    Click here to request a COVID-19 Vaccine or Booster Appointment   

Documents to be prepared (no vaccination if incomplete documents):

  • Staff of Taipei Veterans General Hospital: Taiwan health insurance ID card, staff card (or work certificate), and Taiwan COVID-19 Vaccination Record card (i.e. small yellow card) if for the second dose and any booster dose. 

  • The general public: Taiwan health insurance ID card, relevant documents in accordance with the policy if required (e.g. employment certificate, work permit, maternal health handbook, foreign enrollment certificate, expatriate certificate, flight ticket), and Taiwan COVID-19 Vaccination Record card (i.e. small yellow card) if for the second dose and any booster dose. 

  • [Note] If the vaccination record card is lost, it can be reissued at the registration site in accordance with the current policy.

Cost: COVID-19 vaccine is government-funded, and those who meet the vaccination qualifications are currently free of charge (including registration, diagnostic, and injection fees and vaccine itself).

[Note] Self-paid COVID-19 vaccine is not available at present. 

For those who have doubts about self-assessment of their physical condition, it is recommended to visit an outpatient clinic of Family Medicine or specialties related to your conditions to discuss and obtain the consent before making a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.

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