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Advance Care Planning Services

Advance Care Planning (ACP) Introduction

Taiwan Patient Right to Autonomy Act took into effect in 2019. People can make decisions for specific medical treatment and care at some time in the future through Advance Care Planning (ACP). A valid AD is legally binding, which will be implemented if you meet specific clinical conditions (e.g. terminally ill, irreversible coma). It lets your family and health professionals know your preferences for receiving or refusing life-sustaining treatment and artificial nutrition and hydration if you're unable to make or express those decisions yourself.

[Note] This service is only provided to person with a Taiwan National Health Insurance IC card according to the law.


Advance Care Planning (ACP) Process


1st     Prepare for an Advance Care Planning (ACP)

  • ​Persons with full disposing capacity: aged 18 years or over, and have not become subject to the order of commencement of guardianship
  • National Health Insurance IC card
  • Consider your values of life
  • Invite family and friends to attend
  • Make inquiries and an ACP consultation appointment at an assigned medical institution

2nd     Attend ACP Consultation

  • Legal participating personnel:
    • Declarant him/herself
    • First- or second-degree relative(s) (at least one)
    • Health care agent(s) (if designated)
      [Health care agent (HCA) explained]: A HCA is designated by the declarant to make medical treatment and care decisions when the declarant is unable to express his/her wishes. A HCA must be an adult who demonstrates legal capacity and provides a written consent to the designation.
  • Aims of consultation:
    • Discuss your preferences and decisions for medical treatment and care in five specific clinical conditions.

3rd     Write & Sign Advance Decision (AD)

  • Affix the medical institution’s seal on the AD
  • Witnessed by two persons with full disposing capacity, or notarized by a notary public.
  • Upload and register in the National Health Insurance IC card

Advance Care Planning (ACP) Consultatoin Appointments at Taipei Veterans General Hospital

  • Schedule: 

Monday and Tuesday afternoons
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings 

  • Make an appointment:

Calling ACP Clinic, visiting ACP Clinic in person, or online booking (then please call ACP Clinic for comfirmation)

  • Tel: 

(02) 2875-7818

  • Office hours:

8:30-12:00, 13:30-17:00, weekdays (except public holidays)

  • Location: 

3F, 1st Outpatient Building
No 201, Section 2, Shipai Road, Taipei

   Click here for the Hospital Map   

  • Fee:

Consulation fee plus registration fee (exemption for Taiwan Veterans)
Please contact our ACP Clinic for more information.


Make your own life decisions.


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