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Home & Community Services

Home Visit


We provide home visits to those frail and weak patients who may have multiple chronic health conditions or life-limiting illness and can not leave the house easily to attend to their medical needs. We can attend to patient’s medical needs without giving them extra burden by traveling to the hospital.


  • Patient can only maintain limited self-care ability, i.e. he or she is confined to bed or chair for more than half of the time he or she’s awake.
    • Patient’s performance status: ECOG (the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) score >=2, or Karnofsky score <=50
  • Those require an obvious medical need, such as those with nasal gastric tube or urinary catheter etc
  • In stable condition
  • Within 30 minutes of commute time from Taipei Veterans General Hospital.



  1. Measure vital signs (blood pressure, pulses, breathing rate)
  2. General examination
  3. Influenza Vaccine Injection
  4. Care, Change or remove nasal gastric tube, urinary catheter, or tracheal tube
  5. Effective bladder training
  6. Blood or varies sampling
  7. Wound management
  8. Nutritional assessment
  9. Rehabilitation
  10. Referrals to nursing homes, or medical equipment rental services 
  11. Discharge planning and home visit planning
  12. Follow up liaison


  • Patient need to pay 10% of the expenses in addition to charged paid by NHI
  • Equipment and technical charges: charges differ according to types of services provided and equipment used
  • Travel expenses (Taxi fares) will also be charged.


  1. Inpatients: Consult Family medicine team at least 3 days prior to discharge.
  2. Outpatients: Refers to Family Medicine clinic for home visit evaluation.
  3. Emergency patients: Make an appointment with the Family Medicine clinic

Phone: 28712121 extension 2517

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