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Growth Curve Calculator

Dear Parents! In order to help your children grow up smoothly, do you know the growth status of your child's height and weight? Try using the growth curve chart to help parents understand their child's growth status! Click here to use the Growth Curve Calculator.

The version used by our hospital is as follows↓

Boys' height from 0 to 5 years old (click me to download)

Boys' weight from 0 to 5 years old (click me to download)

Girls' height from 0 to 5 years old (click me to download)

Girls' weight from 0 to 5 years old (click me to download)

Height and weight of male over 5 years old (front) (click me to download)

Height and weight of male over 5 years old (back) (click me to download)

Height and weight of girls over 5 years old (front) (click me to download)

Height and weight of girls over 5 years old (back) (click me to download)

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