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MMA/PA Anamix

XMTVI Analog


Methylmalonic aciduria or propionic aciduria

·MMA&PPA for children

·Suitable for 0-12 months


【Main clinical application】

Powdered food for infant feeding for special medical purposes without methionine, threonine, valine, containing a small amount of isoleucine, suitable for infants aged 0 to 12 months suffering from methylmalonic aciduria or malonic aciduria Aciduric infants, containing essential and non-essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and trace elements. This product is intended for the dietary management of infants suffering from methylmalonic aciduria or propionic aciduria. XMTVI Analog cannot be used as a single source of protein, it must be used in combination with other proteins, such as breast milk or other specific infant formula, to meet the needs of organic acids, water and overall nutrition prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist. demand.

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