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Diazoxide Capsule


English product name: Proglycem®


Chinese product name: no main ingredient: diazoxide.


Dosage form: suspension 50 mg/ml, 30 ml/bot, capsule 50 mg/cap.


Indications: Persistent infantile insulin hypersecretion hypoglycemia.


Pharmacological mechanism: oral administration of diazoxide mainly increases the glucose content in the blood by inhibiting the secretion of insulin by the pancreas.


Pharmacokinetics: The drug is absorbed quickly after oral administration. One hour after oral administration, it can play the role of raising blood sugar. The drug effect can last for 8 hours. The therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood is 10 mcg/ml. The drug in the blood has 90% is bound to serum protein, distributed evenly in the body, and the half-life is as long as 20 to 36 hours.


If the patient suffers from kidney failure, which may cause drug accumulation, the half-life of the drug will be prolonged.


50% of the drug is metabolized by the liver, and the rest is excreted in the urine in its original form.


Contraindications: Functional hypoglycemia and hypersensitivity to diazoxide, thiazide derivatives, or sulfonamides.


Side effects: The more common and more serious ones are the retention of sodium and body fluids, thus exacerbating the condition of patients with existing heart failure.


Other side effects include hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypotension, palpitations, redness, headache, cardiac arrest, congestive heart failure, increased hepatic and renal function indices, nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, hirsutism, and skin Reaction.


Pregnancy Class: C Interactions: Diuretics: Concomitant use of diazoxide increases hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia.


Diazoxide has a high binding force with plasma proteins, so it will affect other substances that need to bind with plasma proteins, such as bilirubin, coumarin, etc.


Phenytoin: diazoxide can make phenytoin less effective in controlling epilepsy.


Chlorpromazine: Increases the hypoglycemic effect of diazoxide.


Precautions: In the initial stage, blood sugar and clinical response need to be monitored until the condition stabilizes, which may take a few days. If there is no effect within 2 to 3 weeks, the drug should be discontinued.


If it needs to be used for a long period of time, it is necessary to routinely monitor the blood sugar and the content of sugar and ketone bodies in the urine.


For patients with a history of gout, attention should be paid to changes in uric acid in the blood.


Patients with poor renal function should reduce the dosage and pay attention to the changes of electrolytes.


If antihypertensive drugs are used in combination, it should be noted that dizaoxide will increase the antihypertensive effect.


Dosage and usage: Adults or children: The general initial dose is 3 mg/kg/day divided into administration every 8 hours, and the average adult daily maximum initial dose should not exceed 200 mg.


The average daily dose is 3-8 mg/kg, given every 8 or 12 hours. If there is no effect after 2-3 weeks of administration, the drug must be discontinued.


The dose required for each patient is different, and the doctor must make appropriate adjustments according to the patient's condition and clinical response.


Infants and newborns: Calculated by body weight, 8~15 mg/kg/day, divided into 2~3 times, administered every 8 or 12 hours.


A more appropriate starting dose is 10 mg/kg/day, divided into 3 doses and given once every 8 hours.


If there is no effect after 2 to 3 weeks of administration, the drug must be discontinued.


The dose required for each patient is different, and the doctor must make appropriate adjustments according to the patient's condition and clinical response.


Preservation: The suspension should be stored away from light, and it is best to put it in the drug packaging box, take it out after use, and put it in a light-proof container.


The storage temperature must be controlled at room temperature 2°C to 30°C.


Manufacturer: Pharmacist: Schering-Plough Enterprise Co., Ltd. Address: 7th Floor, No. 89, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Taipei 105 Reference materials: Manufacturer's manual, Micromedex, English manual.doc.

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