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Logistics Center for Rare Disease Drugs and Food

牛道明 罕見疾病 dmniu dau-ming niu

The picture shows the Rare Disease Experts Meeting, gathering experts from all sides to work together for rare diseases. Medicines for diseases and special nutritious foods needed to sustain life, in accordance with Article 33 of the same law and the "Medical Subsidy Measures for Rare Diseases", subsidize the diagnosis, treatment, medicines and life-sustaining needs of rare diseases that cannot be covered by the National Health Insurance Law The expenses for special nutritional food, and the establishment of the "Coordinated Supply Center for Special Nutritional Food for Rare Disease Cases" and the "Logistics Center for Rare Disease Drugs", which are responsible for storing and fully subsidizing the supply of rare disease patients.


The business scope of the logistics center mainly covers four categories: special nutritional food and rare drug application, ordering, distribution and emergency case handling, as well as the construction and continuous update of the logistics center website, and regular seminars for rare disease patients and medical team meetings. It is hoped that through Experience exchange, information sharing and detailed health education process improve the comprehensive service quality of the logistics center and the integration of medical resources, so that patients can receive comprehensive assistance and care.


In terms of special nutritious food, a total of 29 products have been coordinated and supplied for rare disease patients in 18 medical institutions. For rare disease drugs, a total of 9 rare disease drugs have been coordinated and supplied to hospitals in Taiwan. Rare disease patients apply for use.

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