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Pregestimil Specially Formulated Nutritional Supplements


Pregestimil is used for infants and young children with congenital bile acid synthesis disorders. It does not contain galactose and gluten; but it contains high-unit medium-chain fatty acids, highly hydrolyzed amino acids and other essential and non-essential amino acids, carbohydrates, Fat, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.


1. This product must be used in accordance with the instructions of medical staff.

2. Not suitable for general intravenous injection.

Instructions for use:

1. Please determine the dosage according to the individual's age, weight, and clinical condition under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

2. Please use the measuring spoon attached to the tank, each level spoon has a capacity of 4.5 grams of powder, and prepare 30cc of warm water.


1. Store in a dry or cool place.

2. Use up within 1 month after opening the bottle.

Validity period:

Please use within the expiry date marked on the bottom of the can.

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