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1. Composition Each tablet contains 110MG -5678-Tetrahydro-L-Biopterin dihydrochloride 210mg ascorbic acid

 35mg N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​and other by-forms 4 Do not excessively limit the intake of phenylalanine. When using this product, you should eat other foods low in phenylalanine. Please accept the guidance of medical staff or nutritionists.


5. This product is not an intravenous nutrition product.


2. Properties Tetrahydrobiopterin is an auxiliary enzyme of aromatic amino acid hydroxylases, and participates in the synthesis of tyrosine and neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.


3. Indications Tetrahydrobiopterin is widely used clinically because of the lack of it? The diagnosis and treatment of various types of phenylketonuria are also used to treat autism in Japan.


4. Contraindications So far, the contraindications and side effects of Tetrahydrobiopterin are unknown, and there is no actual clinical data on the use of Tetrahydrobiopterin for pregnant women. The lozenges are dissolved in water, fruit juice or infant milk and mixed well. The suspension should be taken within 30 minutes.


6. It is recommended to avoid shipping in hot weather due to shelf life factors.


7. Storage 1. It is best to store at -20 degrees Celsius. Tetrahydrobiopterin is hygroscopic and easily reacts with oxygen.


2 If stored at -20 degrees Celsius or lower: Tetrahydrobiopterin can be stored for more than 2 years.


3 If stored in the refrigerator freezer: Tetrahydrobiopterin can be stored for 18 months.


4 If stored in the refrigerator: Tetrahydrobiopterin can be stored for 4 months.


5 If stored at room temperature: Tetrahydrobiopterin can be stored for 2 months.


6. If Tetrahydrobiopterin tablets are stored at -20 degrees Celsius or lower, the validity period can be longer. If stored at room temperature, the validity period is only 2 months and the tablets will gradually turn yellow, but there is still 99% Tetrahydrobiopterin content.


7. If the lozenges are slightly yellow, they can still be used. If dark yellow spots appear, they should be recovered immediately.


8 Must be placed out of reach of children.


9 Due to shelf life factors, avoid shipping in hot weather.

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