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Sucraid R


Chinese product name: yeast invertase main component: sacrosidase.


Dosage form: oral solution, 8500IU/ml, 118ml/bot of sacrosidase.


Indications: Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.


Pharmacological mechanism: Sacrosidase is mainly an inverting enzyme extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using sacrosidase can decompose sucrose to provide the nutrients needed by the body.


Pharmacokinetics: 1. Sacrosidase is mainly decomposed into peptides and amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract, and then further absorbed.


2 When taking sacrosidase, you can take protein-containing food together to reduce the increase in acidity in the stomach and prevent pepsin from decomposing sacrosidase.


3 Breast-feeding: safe.


Contraindications: For those who are allergic to liver oil, yeast or related products, use with caution.


Side effects: 1 central system: insomnia, headache.


2 Gastrointestinal aspects: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dehydration.


Pregnancy classification: C Interaction: Fruit juice: Since the acidity of fruit juice will reduce the activity of Sacrosidase, it should be diluted with cold water, milk or baby food instead of fruit juice.


Notes: 1. When taking it for the first time, in order to avoid severe allergic reactions, it is recommended that patients take the initial dose in a medical institution.


2 Patients must limit the intake of starch in their daily diet.


3 Diabetic patients should pay special attention when taking sacrosidase.


4 When taking sacrosidase, you can add sacrosidase to cold water or milk, but avoid heating the drug or putting it in hot drinks to avoid high temperature damage.


5. When the patient forgets to take the medicine, it is not necessary to make up the dose, and just take the sacrosidase at the next meal.


Dosage: 1 Adult: Those who weigh more than 15 kg, take 17,000 IU of sacrosidase at each meal or snack, and take the dose before and after meals.


2 Children: For those weighing less than 15 kg, take 8,500 IU of sacrosidase at each meal or snack; for those weighing more than 15 kg, take 17,000 IU of sacrosidase at each meal or snack. And take it after meals.


Storage: Since sacrosidase is easy to breed bacteria after opening, it is recommended that sacrosidase should be stored in the dark at 2 ℃ to 8 ℃ after opening. It can be stored for about four weeks. In addition, it can be stored at 4 °C for 6 months.




Drug dealer: Kemao Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


Address: 14th Floor, No. 3, Yuanyuan Street, Nangang District, Taipei City.


Manufacturer: ORPHAN MEDICAL, INC.


Address: 13911 RIDGEDALE DRIVE, SUITE 475, MINNETONKA, MN 55305 Reference materials: manufacturer's manual;

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