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Under the director, deputy director and secretary general of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, there are 28 departments, 6 centers and 2 offices at the first level of business units. The Metabolism and Molecular Genetics Laboratory is set up under the Department of Pediatrics and is led by Director Niu Daoming to carry out various inspection services.

Since the neonatal screening was launched in 1984, Taipei Veterans General Hospital has undertaken the neonatal screening diagnosis business and started multiple gene tests. It is currently responsible for two-thirds of the neonatal screening diagnosis work in Taiwan. In addition to the new screening diagnosis gene test items, the laboratory also accepts commissioned gene test items related to genetic diseases from inside and outside the hospital. Under the leadership of the director and the joint efforts of colleagues, it passed the review of the designated inspection agency for genetic and rare diseases by the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s National Health Agency (14 diseases and 18 genes) in 2015, and also passed the re-examination in 2022. And passed the TAF ISO-15189 medical laboratory certification in June 2021. In addition, we are also designated as the core laboratory of Taipei Veterans General Hospital Precision Medicine and Genome Center.


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