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Pompe disease consultation process

Pompe disease initial diagnosis day process:


The following are the inspection items that will be returned for the day:

The inspection items on the day of the baby include: cardiac ultrasound examination, electrocardiogram examination, blood test, urine test

●Parents’ inspection items on the day include: blood draw


The following is the process of returning to the consultation on the day:


1. Contact the newborn screening coordinator after arriving at Taipei Veterans Affairs Office

2. Go to the first outpatient clinic of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, first fill out the first visit form, and go to the outpatient clinic of "Dr. Li Bichang" in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology

3. After the registration is completed, go to the third floor of the Lakeside Outpatient Clinic, and measure your height and weight at the Pediatrics counter

4. One parent takes the baby to the Pediatric Outpatient Nursing Station to "attach the urine bag", and the other parent takes the health insurance card and the height and weight list to report in the clinic

5. Wait in the waiting area for a while, and see "Dr. Li Bichang" after your name is called

6. Go back to the waiting area and wait until the cardiac ultrasound examination room is called

7. After completing the cardiac ultrasound and electrocardiogram examination, return to the outpatient clinic to see the report of the cardiac examination

8. If the urine bag has already urinated, pour the urine into the urine test tube

9. After the price approval and payment in the second outpatient clinic, go to the inspection counter of the second outpatient clinic to draw a number plate, and wait for the number to enter the blood drawing room to draw blood

10. Submit the urine specimen to the second outpatient examination counter


●The above is the process of going back to the outpatient clinic for the same day. After returning home, you need to wait for the gene report to come out, and then the newborn screening coordinator will notify you when you can see the report


●Tel 02-28712121 extension 8483


PS. Gene reporting takes about 6-8 weeks


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