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Phenyl free 2

●Special formula food for infants and children - Phenyl free 2●

Phenylalanine-free specially formulated nutritional supplements

Suitable for infants and children with phenylketonuria or congenital phenylalanine metabolism disorder

1. Matters needing attention

1. This product does not contain phenylalanine and is a special formula with insufficient nutrition. It is not suitable for general infants and young children as the only source of nutrition.

2. This product must be used in accordance with the instructions of medical staff or nutritionists.

3. The use of this product must accept regular blood tests and follow-up care from medical staff.

4. Do not excessively restrict the intake of phenylalanine. When using this product, you should eat other foods low in phenylalanine. Please accept the guidance of medical staff or nutritionists.

5. This product is not a nutrition product for intravenous injection.


3. Preparation suggestion:

1. Using the measuring spoon attached to the jar, add 14Noz of warm water at 40℃ for every 7 level spoons.

2. After stirring evenly, refrigerate and store in the refrigerator for later use, and use up within 24 hours.

Storage: Please store in a cool and dry place; tightly cover after opening the can, and please use it up within 1 month.

Expiry date: Please use it within the expiry date marked on the bottom of the tank.

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