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Arginine HCL Injection

● Arginine Hydrochloride Injection ●Arginine Hydrochloride Injection English trade name: L-Arginine HCl Injection Chinese trade name: Arginine Hydrochloride Injection Main ingredient: L-arginine HCl.


Dosage form: 250mg/ml, 30ml/bottle/box.


Indications: urea cycle disorders, hyperammonemia.


Pharmacological mechanism: unknown.


Pharmacokinetics: Absorption: about 70%.


Distribution: IV administered to pregnant women, low concentrations of the drug can be detected in the fetus.


Metabolism: It is mainly metabolized into urea and ornithine in the liver, which can be used to make glucose.


Exclusion: Excluded by glomerular filtration and almost completely reabsorbed in the renal tubules.


Contraindications: Disabled in patients with acidosis.


Side effects: blood: thrombocytopenia.


Cardiovascular aspects: hypotension, thrombophlebitis.


Central nervous system: numbness, headache.


Metabolism/endocrine: Hyperkalemia, hypophosphatemia, hyperthermia, hormone release.


Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, feeling of fullness, weight loss.


Kidney/Urinary Tract: Nephrotoxicity.


Skin: flushing, skin necrosis.


Other aspects: allergies.


Pregnancy Class: B Interaction: Potassium-sparing diuretic: Severe hyperkalemia occurred in several patients with severe liver disease who had recently used spironolactone for metabolic alkalosis.


Serum potassium levels should be carefully monitored in patients who have used potassium-sparing diuretic for several days prior to administration.


Estrogens: May cause growth hormone concentrations to rise.


Precautions: When necessary, control the acid-base balance and pay attention to the occurrence of hyperkalemia.


Prepare antihistamine and epinephrine for use in case of allergic reactions.


Injection rates that are too high will result in local irritation, flushing, nausea or vomiting.


This drug contains a high content of nitrogen. Before administration, it should be evaluated how the kidney responds to the transient and high load of nitrogen.


This medicine contains chlorine which may be harmful in patients with electrolyte imbalance.


Elevated serum potassium has occurred in uremia patients and patients with liver disease.


Therefore, the drug should be used with caution in patients with nephropathy or anuria.


Usage and dosage: given by intravenous infusion, the infusion time is 30 minutes and the dose of 30 gm is given.


Storage: This product should be stored at room temperature, avoiding heat;


Discard if frozen.


If it is found that the content of the injection is not clear, or it is no longer vacuum, it should be discarded.

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