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About US


The Taipei-Veterans General Hospital was founded in 1959. The dental division, located in old central building, was initially established by Dr. Chin-Yuan Hwei with 5 dental units belonging to the department of Surgery. The dental division was further splitted off from Surgery and run independently in 1973. The Department of Dentistry later on moved to the 2nd out-patients clinical building and became to have subspecialties including periodontics, endodontics, pedodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and oral & maxillofacial surgery with inward operation from 1975. By the contribution of several former Department heads of Dr. Chin-Yuan Hwei (1959-79), Dr. Chao-Hsian Chan (1979-1997), Dr. Ze-Hwai Lin (1997-2002), Dr. Che-Shoa Chang (2002-2008), it was now named by Department of Stomatology as one of the largest dental clinics with 100 dental units and 24 inward beds in 2008. The primary goal of services is to take care of veterans. Through continued changing and development for the last 50 years, the ultimate goal of this department aims to become one of the best clinics of dental medicine in Asia and worldwide with triple tracts of clinical service, teaching work, and research focus. Academically, it collaborates closely with National Yang-Ming University school of dentistry as mutual welfare.

In 2012, the Department of Stomatology has 5 administrative divisions with 8 subspecialties including oral & maxillofacial surgery (OPD/ward), prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, pedodontics, orthodontics, operative dentistry, & total patient care. Each division has one senior attending Dr. in charge of the administrative, teaching, & clinical work. In all, the Departnent of Stomatology has one administrative department head, five division chairs and other 15 attending physicians supravising the teaching and services of trainees including ~50 residents and 45~48 intern doctors mainly from National Yang-Ming University & other 5 dental schools. There are ~190 full time/part time personnels of administrative, technicians and nursery in this department. Currently, the out-patient clinics is located in the 7th/8th floor of the 2nd OPD building and the 26 inward beds belonging to the ward of B88, B108 & B118, are located in the 10th/11th floor of Hse-Yuan building. The surgery is performed in operating room 4 or 6 at the 3rd floor in Hse-Yuan building. In 2013, the pedodontics division will move to lake-side building to operate together with pediatric department in order to provide a high quality of dental/oral care for children.

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