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Ching-Chih Chang, M.D.

張景智 Ching-Chih Chang, M.D.


  • B.M. Doctor of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan.

Present Employment

  • Chief of Holistic and Multidisciplinary Medicine
  • Attending Physician of Internal Medicine.

University Faculty

  • Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical College, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (2020, Feb. to now).

Professional Experiences

  • Attending Physician of General Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (2008, Nov. to 2023).
  • Chief of Holistic and Multidisciplinary Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (2023, Jan. 2023 to now).

License & Certifications

  • Specialist of Internal Medicine.
  • Specialist of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Medicine.
  • Instructor of ultrasounds and gastroenterological endoscopy.

Professional Associations

  • Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan
  • Gastroenterology Society of Taiwan
  • Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine


  • Research Interests: Complications of portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis.
  • Medical education.


  • Huang HC, Hsu SJ, Chang CC, Chuang CL, Hou MC, Lee FY. Effects of PCSK-9 Inhibition by Alirocumab Treatments on Biliary Cirrhotic Rats. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 2;23(13):7378. IF=5.924 (Biochemistry, molecular biology; R/C=67/295, 23%)
  • Hsu SJ, Huang HC, Chuang CL, Chang CC, Hou MC, Lee FY, Lee SD. Dual Angiotensin Receptor and Neprilysin Inhibitor Ameliorates Portal Hypertension in Portal Hypertensive Rats. Pharmaceutics. 2020 Apr 2;12(4):E320. IF=6.321 (Pharmacology and pharmacy, R/C 26/267, 11%)
  • Chang T, Ho HL, Hsu SJ, Chang CC, Tsai MH, Huo TI, Huang HC, Lee FY, Hou MC, Lee SD. Glucobrassicin Metabolites Ameliorate the Development of Portal Hypertension and Cirrhosis in Bile Duct-Ligated Rats. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Aug 26;20(17). IF=5.924 (Biochemistry, molecular biology; R/C=67/295, 23%)
  • Chang CC, Chuang CL, Tsai MH, Hsin IF, Hsu SJ, Huang HC, Lee FY, Lee SD. Effects of Caffeine Treatment on Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Biliary Cirrhotic Rats. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Mar 28;20(7). IF=5.924 (Biochemistry, molecular biology; R/C=67/295, 23%)
  • Wu KC, Huang HC, Chang T, Lee WS, Chuang CL, Hsin IF, Hsu SJ, Lee FY, Chang CC, Lee SD.Effect of sirolimus on liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy of common bile duct-ligated rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018 Apr 5;824:133-139. IF=4.432 (Pharmocology and Pharmacy, Research & Experiment; R/C=86/276, 31%)

