(Declaration of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient 1981)
World Medical Association
根據1981年世界醫學聯盟在里斯本所作成的病人權利宣言(Declaration of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient),病人應有以下權利:
獲得良好品質之醫療照護的權利 (Right to medical care of good quality)
自由選擇醫療方式的權利 (Right to freedom of choice)
自主決定的權利 (Right to self-determination)
獲得個人病情資訊的權利 (Right to information)
診療秘密被保守的權利 (Right to confidentiality)
獲得衛生教育的權利 (Right to Health Education)
保有個人醫療尊嚴的權利 (Right to dignity)
獲得宗教協助的權利 (Right to religious assistance)