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Medical Quality

Taiwan Clinical Performance Indicator (TCPI)
The Taiwan Clinical Performance Indicators (TCPI) is an indicator system which is focused on the measurement of clinical care for identifying quality improvement opportunities. There are four indicator categories in TCPI including General care, Acute psychiatric care, Chronic psychiatric care and Long-term care. The general care category includes indicators for emergency care, hospitalization care, intensive care, surgical care, sub-acute respiratory care and focus care (included acute myocardial infarction, stroke, IHCA).

TCPI built a web-based software with innovation, friendly, timing services and allows users to submit and analysis data easily. One of useful tools, for example, participants can use a two periods statistical process control (SPC) chart to evaluate the effect of intervention. Data is submitted by measure elements and system will processing errors detection and automatic calculation. Once the data submitted, the hospitals can get results immediately. TCPI system also provide various peers comparative data and dashboard so the hospital could check their performance and drill down to identify the problem and begin PDCA cycle timely.

Autonomous management indicators
Autonomous management indicators are setup by medical departments that are based on there quality. Department managers and staff can get useful infomations from these indicators to figure out if any problem is happening in the workplace or their medical services. These self-defined and self-monitoring indicators are very powerful tools to help departments to improve medical care quality.

Glory of quality

The medical quality of Taipei Veteran General Hospital has been affirmed by various institutions and won many quality awards. Like National Biotechnology and Medicine Care Quality Award(SNQ), National Healthcare Quality Award(NHQA).

2022 National Biotechnology and Medicine Care Quality Award(SNQ) 2022 National Healthcare Quality Award(NHQA)

We are also certified as a 'Smart Hospital' by Joint Commission of Taiwan while we get 6 service workflows(Inpatient, Outpatients, Emergency, Surgery, Pharmacy and Administration) certifications.

Smart Hospital Certification


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