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TVGH’s research achievements in COVID

A. Public education: “Collaborate to stabilize the current situation and prepare for the future of COVID” online live forum.








B. Symposium of “the Prevention and Control Strategies and Prospective Deployment against COVID”

Since 2019, the outbreak of COVID-19, a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has had a profound impact and disruption on global society. It has caused significant changes in human interaction patterns, protective measures, and even medical care and socio-economic activities. In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan since March 2020, various organizations in Taiwan actively joined the battle against the pandemic. Valuable experiences have been gained in resource allocation and mobilization, care strategy adjustment and development, and relevant prevention measures, as well as in the development of dedicated COVID wards, vaccines, information and education, and public policies, which are worth learning from.

In order to proactively prepare for more severe challenges that may be faced in the future, this symposium was jointly organized by the Veterans Affairs Council and Taipei Veterans General Hospital. This symposium brought together resources from the Veterans System, including the Veterans Home and the Veterans Service Department, the Ministry of National Defense and its affiliated medical system, local medical institutions, and related organizations, in conjunction with the local government's pandemic prevention work. The participants discussed and exchanged their experiences, achievements, and future strategies for pandemic prevention. Through collective brainstorming, the aim is to support the implementation of relevant government policies, strengthen and improve the quality and capacity of the medical care system

Date:2021/10/16 08:30-12:40  

Online live forum:


C. Publications

In 2020-2022, TVGH has published 143 COVID-related publications:

►►►List of publication



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