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Division of Basic Research

Basic Research Division Work Projects

      (1) To establish collaborations and co-operations with academic institutions.

      (2) To set up the directions of basic medical research, manage and administer research grant, collect research data, and report research achievement.

      (3) To review and manage the grant support of both internal and external medical research projects, including projects supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

      (4) Administration and control of the bio-safety and animal experiments.

      (5) To manage the usage, safety issue, and utility applications of the research facilities.

      (6) To manage and administer the internal technicians.

      (7) To collect medical research literature published by internal PI, to hold a scientific literature competition, and to reward outstanding scientific achievements.

      (8) Other affairs ordered by superiors.


      Director Chief:Teh-Ia Huo

      Administrative staff:Su, Hsiang-Ju、Lin, Siang-Ting、Chen, Yung-Yu

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