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Laboratory of Molecular Virology

TEL: +886-2-28712121 Ext.2655
E-mail: [email protected]
Principal Investigator: Chin-Tien Wang

1984  Bachelor of Medicine, School of Medicine, Kaohsiung Med. College

1993  Ph.D., Dept. of Microbiol. and Immunology., Oregon Health Sciences Univ., USA

1993 ~ 2001  Associate Prof., Institute of Clinical Medicine, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ

1995 ~ present  Adjunct  Investigator, Dept. Med. Res. & Edu., Taipei Veterans General Hospital.

2002 ~ 2020  Jointed-appointed Prof., Institute of Public Health, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ.

2001 ~ present  Prof., Institute of Clinical Medicine, Natl. Yang-Ming Univ.

08/2018-present Professor and Chair, Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Director, Translational Medicine Degree Program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

Chin-Tien Wang
<Research Interests>
I. Virus-like particle assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and human coronavirus
II. Antiviral activity of human APOBEC3G.
<Selected Recent Publications>

1. Fu-Hsien Yu and Chin-Tien Wang*. 2018. HIV-1 protease with leucine zipper fused at N-terminus exhibits enhanced linker amino acid-dependent activity. Retrovirology15:32

2. Shiu-Mei Wang, Kuo-Jung Huang, Chin-Tien Wang*. 2019. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein counteracts BST2-mediated restriction of virus-like particle release. J. Med. Virol. 91(10):1743-1750.

3. Fu-Hsien Yu, Kuo-Jung Huang and Chin-Tien Wang* 2020. HIV-1 Mutant Assembly, Processing and Infectivity Expresses Pol Independent of Gag. Viruses 12(1):54.

4. Fu-Hsien Yu, Kuo-Jung Huang and Chin-Tien Wang*. 2021. Conditional activation of an HIV-1 protease attenuated mutant by a leucine zipper dimerization motif. Virus Research Apr 2;295:198258. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.

5. Fu-Hsien Yu, Kuo-Jung Huang and Chin-Tien Wang*. 2022. Amino acid substitutions at the HIV-1 transframe region significantly impair virus infectivity. PLOS ONE 17 (1): e0262477

6. Yi-Ru Lin, Shih-Ming Chu, Fu-Hsien Yu, Kuo-Jung Huang and Chin-Tien Wang*. Effects of reduced gag cleavage efficiency on HIV-1 Gag-Pol package. BMC Microbiol. 2294 (2022).




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